Apple Engineer was Worried About iPhone 4 Antenna Problems Early On
posted Saturday Jul 17, 2010 by Nicholas DiMeo

It's time for us to add more fuel to the Apple iPhone 4 fire! Bloomberg has reported that "someone familiar with the matter" claims that Apple's own antenna expert, Ruben Caballero, informed Apple management that the iPhone 4 antenna blueprint could make for some severe reception problems, could drop calls and cause a major engineering challenge.
Caballero is a major player in the Apple ladder with quite a fair amount of experience and antenna patents to his name and even though we may not know the whole story, it's possible his concerns were put to bed during Apple's testing.
Follow the break to read more about this story.
It does add an interesting dynamic to this story if, however, Steve Jobs and his minions were made privy to this knowledge during the design process. Bloomberg also reported that a different source, a carrier partner, voiced its concerns about the antenna long before the release of the iPhone 4.
Of course, Apple and Caballero have not commented on this story. We do know that a lot of people have gotten wind of the possible behind-the-scenes politics that occurred at Infinite Loop prior to the launch of this new device. As of this article's writing, it's only been 22 days since the launch of the iPhone 4, and with this many problems and rumors already arising, this could spell trouble and huge disaster for Apple.