Often times, the PLUGHITZ Live staff gets asked questions about various aspects of their experiences. Because of these questions, we have decided to build a few resource guides to help answer some of the questions we get asked the most often.
PLUGHITZ Live has rules for usage of its brand assets. This guide has been created to help those who are trying to use our brand for articles, blog posts, or videos.
The PLUGHITZ Live team gets asked often about what it takes to build a studio. Depending on your purposes can obviously change what it is that you need to make a studio work. We have built this guide to show some of the setups we have used or currently use to produce our various shows.
PLUGHITZ Live, in our travels, have the opportunity to speak with a large number of makers and startups. At events like Collision Conference and Gulf Coast Maker and Comic Con, the one consistent fact is that finding partners as a startup is difficult. Many companies only want to deal with the larger clients, so finding a software developer or a PR firm can be difficult, if not impossible.
In addition to meeting makers and startup, we also have the opportunity to meet companies who specialize in helping those makers and startups. We created this resource guide to help connect those makers and startups with the companies who specialize in helping them reach their goals.