MizuCon - Is YourzuCon
posted Sunday Aug 22, 2010 by Jon Wurm
What an interesting Con month it's been for Scott, Josh, and myself. It was interesting for me because of Star Wars Celebration V and because of my first time experiencing MizuCon. You're never heard of it? Imagine a good con; now imagine a great con; OK, now imagine a super con! Got it? Well it's like that except better and wrapped up in a neat little package. But what it lacks in size it makes up for in personality.
Friday night was of course filled with cosplayers, vendors and exhibitors, like the improv group as well as our good friends from TATE'S Comics+Toys+Videos+More and the 3000 Brigade. 3K, of course, stole the show without trying. Their preview show was off the chain and somehow I wasn't surprised. Seeing all the Koopa Kids, played by the sexy female cast members, made it difficult to focus on filming, to say the least. Shame on you if you weren't there to see it and kudos if you were. Fortunately, I was also able to catch a glimpse of the improv group that performed afterwards. 3K is a tough act to follow but I certainly enjoyed what I saw and they were good sports about sharing back stage space with 30 other people so when you hit up MizuCon next year stop by and give them a watch as well.
Saturday, Scott and I remembered what it felt like to be a spectator and walked around talking with con-goers and some awesome vendors as well. Of course, we ended up with some con goodies but with the variety of anime and gamer stuff you're bound to find something you just have to get. However, I am glad that we were able to take refuge at TATE'S booth when the urge to geek out became too strong. Otherwise who knows what damage we might have done.