A.P.B.: Dead and Gone
posted Sunday Sep 19, 2010 by Josh Henry

All Points Bulletin was originally conceived as being a groundbreaking game, with an endless amount of potential and in most respects it was. Specifically, it seems to have broken new ground in the shortest turnaround time between launch and closure clocking in at 79 days. And while there may be a ray of hope after all, it's going to be hard for the game's players to love again after having their expectations so suddenly deflated. Whether you liked the game or not, it's sad news that the city streets have been forcibly emptied so quickly.
The true crime in my opinion is that the potential of the game will probably never be realized. The game had one of the most in depth customization systems ever seen in the mmo world and an innovative revenue model this is an MMO that should not be forgotten. I really wish we could have got the chance to try it for ourselves a little further down the road once the game had gotten its footing down, but it looks like that that'll never be possible.
While APB's future fate - and any possible resurrection - looks bleak, Hi-Rez has given a word to the wise to the game's players: come over and give Global Agenda a try. To make the offer an even more tempting one, the studio is providing a decent discount on the purchase of Global Agenda through September 24th. GA will cost just $20.99 during this time period, and that fee covers both the cost of the MMO and unlimited play. Not too shabby, eh? Prospective purchasers will need to buy through Global Agenda's online store and use the code "LongLiveShooterMMOs" to take advantage of this special. Global Agenda is a game that I myself have played and found it extremely funny, although I only played the first ten levels and had a blast. One can only imagine how much better the game gets if you stick with it into the higher levels.