Losing iPhone Prototypes is so Last Mac World and Hard Drives With Confidential Info Are In - The UpStream

Losing iPhone Prototypes is so Last Mac World and Hard Drives With Confidential Info Are In

posted Sunday Sep 4, 2011 by Jon Wurm

Losing iPhone Prototypes is so Last Mac World and Hard Drives With Confidential Info Are In

After losing the iPhone 4 prototype I suppose it just felt right to make the same mistake by losing the iPhone 5 prototype... in another bar of course. Now, only 2 days after losing the iPhone 5 prototype a Genius Bar employee at an Apple Store in Samford Connecticut has probably started a new trend by giving a customer a hard drive with confidential information.

An anonymous source contacted Cult of Mac saying that they procured a hard drive with confidential Apple information. By "procured" I mean, it was given to him and by "confidential Apple information," I'm talking about a complete Apple Retail Store server Time Machine backup disk with internal documents from late 2009 to May of this year.

How did this actually happen? You can probably guess but reading about it still makes it that much better.

Apparently the source had his Mac in for some repairs and was called by the store to come get his computer. When he arrived and picked it up, the Genius Bar employee also game him another hard drive, which he assumed was his old hard drive. Based on that assumption, a couple days later he plugged it in to see if there was any of his old data still in tact only to find a treasure trove of Apple information. As far as we know, no one else has seen the information, which the source states as containing,

...confidential docs, internal manuals, Apple's sales technics, an Apple store work checklist, products layout, time schedules, pictures and videos of Apple corporate activities that only Apple employees can see, videos of store meetings, business structure and much much much more.

He also let Cult of Mac know the particular data volume,

/Volumes/apple store/Backups.backupdb/teamserver/2009-11-23-095346/HD1/Server Users /Volumes/apple store/Backups.backupdb/teamserver/2011-05-18-141707/HD1/Users/admin

But wait, there's more! If seeing is believing, there are also some screen shots available for your viewing pleasure.

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I'm already prepared to write about Apple employees and police raiding this guys house, it's only a matter of time. Also, I feel like I should make more light of this but I just have no words and the situation speaks for itself.


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