Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360 - The UpStream

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360

posted Saturday Sep 3, 2011 by Scott Ertz

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Xbox 360

While the Star Wars Xbox 360 won't be out until next year, the newly announced Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 special edition bundle will be available November 8th. Announced at Activision's Call of Duty XP event, the bundle will include a lot of custom-designed hardware and interactions.

The console is designed to look battle-worn, easily fitting into the theme for the flagship franchise. It includes a 320GB hard drive and custom power and eject sounds. In addition to the console customizations, you will also receive 2 custom-designed second generation controllers. You will also, of course, receive a copy of the game with a 1 month Live subscription.

The controllers will also be available separately, retailing for $60 and will come with a token for an exclusive download. The big, surprising news is the other custom hardware. There will be a headset, custom designed to go with the game and the special edition console, that can work both with the Xbox 360 or as a Bluetooth headset for a phone. It comes with a charging cradle as well as another token for an exclusive download. As far as the download that comes with it, we know as much as you do at this point, but I can imagine it is a virtual version for your avatar.

If you want to see more photos of the console than the one in the corner there, you can check it out on Flickr.

So, are you a big enough CoD fan to spend the $400 for this special edition console and another $70 for the headset, or are you just planning on getting the game? Let us know in the comments section!


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