Green Lantern Is Coming To You In The Flash - The UpStream

Green Lantern Is Coming To You In The Flash

posted Sunday Jun 13, 2010 by Jon Wurm

Green Lantern Is Coming To You In The Flash

Lately we have been bringing you a lot of news about The Avengers but even for the past several years, the comic book film adaptations we've seen have been mostly dominated by Marvel, with the exception of Batman, Superman, and The Watchmen. DC fans, don't feel left in the dark just yet however. Warner Bros has faith in the upcoming Green Lantern movie starring Ryan Reynolds which is set to release June 17th, 2011.

In fact, Greg Berlanti, Michael Green, and Marc Guggenheim will be writing the already scheduled sequel to Green Lantern and have also been approached to work on The Flash. With the new Batman and Superman movies not scheduled until 2012 DC will be really counting on Green Lantern to keep things going for them and if it is a success there might be a possibility for some DC crossover in the future, maybe something along the lines of The Justice League?


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