Apple Employees Raid Home with Help of Police (Again) - The UpStream

Apple Employees Raid Home with Help of Police (Again)

posted Saturday Sep 3, 2011 by Scott Ertz

Apple Employees Raid Home with Help of Police (Again)

I think we all remember the iPhone 4 prototype that was lost and the controversy around the termination of an employee for showing an iPad prototype to Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. I don't think anyone would expect another prototype issue to arise, especially one that is exactly the same as the first one, right after the legal battle has ended. Apple lost an iPhone 5 prototype handset at a bar. Yeah, that's right... another prototype, another bar.

Clearly, Apple needs to stop letting their moron "engineers" leave the property with the prototypes because, while drinking away their frustration of working for Apple, they tend to lose them. The reaction from Apple has been very similar to the first time, but the strategy has been altered based on what they learned in raiding the home of a Gizmodo editor. Instead of contacting the FBI and hiring private security firm Rapid Enforcement Allied Computer Team, they went to the local police and had them accompany their in-house security team while they raided the house.

For the full details on the home invasion and the police's involvement, hit the break.

After the prototype was discovered missing, Apple reacted by finding out who had been in the bar that night. I assume that the only name they could get was for Sergio Calderon, who did happen to be in that bar that night, a mistake I assume he will never make again. After finding their target, Apple security contacted San Francisco and asked for 4 police to accompany them on their home invasion. The police department somehow said yes. According to the police report,

The two Apple (security) employees met with the resident and then went into the house to look for the lost item. The Apple employees did not find the lost item and left the house.

According to Calderon, all 6 people showed up with badges and identified themselves as police officers. They went through his home and computer and threatened him over the missing prototype. When no phone was found, an "officer" gave him a number to contact if he found anything. The number, when called, was answered by an Apple employee named Anthony Colon. According to his now removed LinkedIn profile (good move), he is a senior Apple investigator and former San Jose police sergeant.

So, a former cop calls a buddy and gets them to allow him to impersonate a police officer, which in the act of a crime is a felony. They then use that information to commit the crime, a home invasion, and leave a contact number proving the crime when they leave. If I had to guess, Apple will not be getting this prototype phone back and Anthony Colon will be spending some time on the other side of those bars.


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