YouTube's 15 Minutes of Fame
posted Sunday Aug 1, 2010 by Nicholas DiMeo
YouTube's 10 minute limit on videos has expanded to 15 minutes this week, giving users 50 percent more time to upload more pointless and random crap to clog the Internet's series of tubes. The new limit is a reflection of audiences' growing demand for longer form content online. In the past, YouTube content partners have been able to publish longer videos, but the ability for regular user to do this now is pretty significant.
How famous can you get? Follow the break to find out.
To hype the change, YouTube is asking users to make a "videos of your '15 minutes of fame.'" Producer Manager Joshua Siegal tells users to make the video in an attempt to communicated to the world what you'd like them to know about you. To be considered in the promotion, videos much be tagged as "yt15 minutes" and uploaded by Wednesday, August 4th.
"We'll select a handful of people to truly gain their 15 minutes of fame by featuring them on the YouTube homepage in a future spotlight," Siegel wrote in a blog post. And also mentioned that "because of the success of these ongoing technological efforts, we are able to increase the upload limit today."
The decision by a judge last month to throw out Viacom's $1 billion lawsuit against Google and YouTube for alleged copyright infringement may also have contributed to YouTube's willingness to host longer clips.