New Top Level Domains will definitely make it easier for scammers
posted Monday May 22, 2023 by Scott Ertz

A group petitions the ICANN every few years to introduce new Top Level Domains (TLD). These are the last part of a website we're familiar with and use daily. The most common, and the longest-lasting, are .com, .net, and .org. Recently, a new petition to add 8 new TLDs was submitted by Google. 6 of these TLDs are mostly innocuous, but 2 of them will make it easier for scammers to ruin your day (or more likely your parents).
What are Top Level Domains?
Top Level Domains, commonly abbreviated TLD, are the last part of a website's address that you are likely familiar with. For example, 'plughitzlive.com' has the TLD .com at the end of it.
TLDs were originally created in 1984 and have been managed by ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) ever since. ICANN is a non-profit that was created to manage the domain name system and other aspects of the internet.
The three most well-known TLDs are .com, .net, and .org. Each of these has been around for decades now and are some of the most universally recognized website suffixes available. Other popular TLDs include .info, .gov, and .edu.
When you register a domain name, it is important to make sure the TLD you choose matches your website's purpose. For example, if you are registering a professional website then a .com would be best suited as it implies commercial activities and is the most widely recognized. Alternatively, if you are registering a website for an educational institution then .edu would be more appropriate.
The problem with the new TLDs
Recently, Google had 8 new TLDs added to the internet. These new TLDs are .dad, .esq, .foo, .mov, .nexus, .phd, .prof, and .zip. Most of these are no problem, but if you're a regular internet user, you likely noticed .zip and .mov are included in the list. These are the ones that present a danger to less savvy internet users.
Now, you're reading this, you recognize them as common file extensions - for ZIP files and Apple video files. These are common file types for even those who are not familiar with technology. It is this commonality for the file extension that it creates issues for internet users.
Imagine getting an email that says something to the effect of you've got an invoice including a link to invoice.zip. It would look to many that the link will open a ZIP file containing a digital invoice. However, it can now take you to a website on a domain called invoice.zip. There is a lot of potential in this scenario to trick users into clicking on links that will inevitably be harmful to their computer.
This brings us back to a common theme when it comes to internet security - pay attention to links in emails. It doesn't matter if the link is to a website, a file, or an attachment. Assume that every link or attachment is trying to destroy you or steal from you and you'll be in better shape.