Spotify Spotted on Windows Phone 7
posted Saturday Nov 12, 2011 by Nicholas DiMeo
It's not just Ford that is going to enjoy some tunes on the go. Windows Phone 7 is finally getting some streaming music love that is not just the Zune Marketplace. This week, after all of the Spotify talk and hype, if you swing over to the App Marketplace, you can download Spotify Mobile and get streaming.
It's a free download, but you'll need to be a premium user in order to enjoy the enhanced features, like wirelessly syncing your Starred music and playlists. Those are just two of the features you get with Windows Phone Spotify, however.
- Search, browse & play millions of tracks.
- Explore & play your friends' playlists, top artists and tracks.
- Stream over WiFi or 2.5/3G - all your existing playlists are available.
- Offline playlists - play your music without an internet connection.
- On-the-fly sync - every track you add to a playlist appears on mobile and computer.
- What's New view.
- Receive music from friends via the inbox.
- Starred tracks - tag all your favourites into a special list.
It should be mentioned, although you should already know, that not using WiFi and using your device's carrier Internet will incur extra charges if you roll over your limit (sans Sprint). Not sure if your phone is on the list? Check or the source link below to see. Keep in mind, not all phones are on the list. We're using an unlisted WinPho 7 HTC Arrive on Sprint and are having amazing success.
Do you have Spotify on an HD7? We want to know how you like it on the big screen. Tell us in the comments section below!