Ubisoft Reminds Us You Don't Need Limbs to be a Smash with Rayman Origins
posted Sunday Aug 28, 2011 by Jon Wurm

I've been eagerly awaiting Rayman Origins since the demo at the Ubisoft Keynote from E3 this year. With big MMO-style FPS titles, such as Battlefield 3 and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier getting a lot of press, it's games like Rayman Origins that remind us there is still a place in this world for 2D games without guns... or limbs.
From what I've seen, the super realistic 2D artwork integrates with the action taking place in the foreground of the game so that everything works in tandem. Simply put, it just looks stunning and like a tremendous amount of fun and or/pain. Based on the demo at E3, even the most experienced gamer will be attempting levels over and over again. Even developers from Ubisoft had some difficultly completing levels during the demo and gamers who are familiar with Rayman from previous experiences already know that its high degree of difficultly makes it very rewarding in the end.
If you haven't seen Rayman Origins in action yet you can check out the E3 demo after the break.
For those of you excited to relive some good times and make new ones, I've got good news for you. The PS3, 3DS, Wii and Xbox 360 versions are due out on November 15th of this year. Future Vita owners shouldn't feel completely shafted just because they can't get your hands on Rayman or the Vita this holiday season. It's slated to release in early 2012, probably around the same time the Vita is.