Foxconn Employees Pledge Not To Kill Themselves
posted Sunday May 30, 2010 by Jon Wurm

The 11 attempted suicides at a Foxconn plant in China that manufactures Apple products like the iPhone and iPad has been getting a lot press lately. Foxconn has pledged to take action in order to prevent further deaths and now are having their employees make pledges to them. These aren't the usual pledges you would expect employees to make to their employers. Actually, they seem to be more along the lines of, "I promise to not kill myself." They are requiring employees to sign a pledge stating that they "will not hurt themselves or others in an extreme manner." Signing the pledge also gives the company the right to commit employees to a mental institution if they show an "abnormal mental or physical state." This of course would only be done for, "the protection of themselves and others." A top official in the province has also taken notice of the situation and is saying that the government and employers need to work together to alleviate this problem.
Hit the break to see an interview with the CEO.