gLee Flashmobs Take Over - The UpStream

gLee Flashmobs Take Over

posted Sunday Apr 11, 2010 by Scott Ertz

gLee Flashmobs Take Over

Over the last 6 months or so, the popularity of gLee has increased significantly. As part of the popularity, a number of flashmob events have been organized. Some of them officially, some of them unofficially, all of them awesome. Most recently, FOX Television planned a major flashmob in Seattle, Washington for yesterday. They produced a pair of instructional videos hosted by the choreographers for the show and hosted several rehearsals over the past few months.

With all of this hard work, what were they expecting to get out of this? Well, FOX says they wanted to create a fun experience. Obviously, they wanted to create a media buzz for the return of the show this Tuesday both on TV and online, and it seems to have been successful.

Hit the break to see the flashmobs.

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