Xbox Live Rules We Are The World - The UpStream

Xbox Live Rules We Are The World

posted Sunday Mar 7, 2010 by Jon Wurm

Xbox Live Rules We Are The World

If we can think back to 2009 for a moment then some of us remember Microsoft got itself into a pickle after banning gamertags that were found objectionable because they expressed the sexual orientation of the user. After consulting with the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLADD) Microsoft is moving forward with opening up expression of race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality and religion. Marc Whitten posted a letter on saying that the terms of service,

allow our members to more freely express their race, nationality, religion and sexual orientation. As you'd expect, the conduct revisions will mean increased stringency and enforcement to prevent the misuse of these terms.

This seems all good and well. After all it's very American to embrace our differences, or at least tolerate them but does someone's race, nationality, sexual orientation and religion really matter when I'm playing video games? I'm there to enjoy myself by owning noobs and watching movies, not find a date because I'm too cheap and have too much pride to sign up for eHarmony. I realize that Xbox Live is a dynamic community but to me it's a community for gaming and entertainment where people can bond together over their enjoyment of the games and other entertainment not segment themselves further into groups because of preferences.


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