USB 3.0 Arrives - The UpStream

USB 3.0 Arrives

posted Saturday Jan 9, 2010 by Jon Wurm

USB 3.0 Arrives

I was delighted to learn that USB 3.0 will be making some headway during 2010. Jeff Ravencraft is the president of the USB implementors Forum and he had a lot say about the new and improved USB. USB 3.0 uses only 1/3rd the power that USB 2.0 requires and is approximately 10 times faster. Here is a comparison between USB 1.0, 2.0 and 3.0:

Transfer of a 25GB HD movie:

USB 1.0: 9.3 hours

USB 2.0: 13.9 minutes

USB 3.0: 70 seconds

I hope you enjoyed that little nugget of information and there's a lot more than simple transfer speeds that make USB 3.0 a major improvement for electronics this year. There are already lots of devices ready to hit the ground running so make sure to tune into the show this Sunday for much more about this.


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