Google Fuchsia is finally ready for release, coming to Nest Hub first - The UpStream

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Google Fuchsia is finally ready for release, coming to Nest Hub first

posted Saturday May 29, 2021 by Scott Ertz

Google Fuchsia is finally ready for release, coming to Nest Hub first

Google's development philosophy has long been, "If one of something is good, three is better." One great example of this has been the company's confused messaging strategy, which neither consumers nor analysts can understand. Another three is better than one division of Google is in operating systems. Everyone knows Android and Chrome OS, but a third one has been lurking in the shadows, waiting for the opportunity to strike - and that opportunity is now for Fuchsia.

Fuchsia has been Google's project OS, whose purpose has always been nebulous. At one point, it was believed to be a unification project, similar to Windows 10 bringing together Windows and Windows Phone. This would bring Android and Chrome OS together under a single umbrella. That idea was abandoned, and the purpose of Fuchsia was left to fate. Now, we know that Google intends to release Fuchsia on devices, at least to start.

The first home for the new OS will be the original, first generation Google Nest Hub. In fact, as you read this, you may already have received the update if you're part of the Preview Program. If your screens looks slightly different, but you weren't sure, then you've got it. After this roll-out is complete, and the company is happy with the results, they intend to bring it to other, and possibly all, company devices.

If you are a regular user of your Google Nest Hub and are worried about a loss of capability, you can rest easy. The company has promised that you should notice almost no changes at all, if everything goes right. After the release to this and a few other products is complete and the software's stability is confirmed, new features will begin to roll out, making the experience on these products better than pre-Fuchsia.

Back in 2018, Google's plan was for Fuchsia OS to eventually replace Android. Those plans have obviously been placed on hold, but the ultimate goal might still be in place. Fuchsia could eventually power all of Google's devices, and all of their partner's devices. While Google is not known for smooth transitions in technology, the final result could be a positive, single and unified experience - some day.


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