Microsoft reveals details about next Xbox console: Xbox Series X - The UpStream

Microsoft reveals details about next Xbox console: Xbox Series X

posted Saturday Dec 14, 2019 by Scott Ertz

Microsoft reveals details about next Xbox console: Xbox Series X

Since the initial official reveal, small details about Microsoft's Project Scarlett have been the extent the information. That is until this week, where the company finally revealed information, including the name of the new console.

First, let's deal with the name: Xbox Series X. Despite major changes at Microsoft under CEO Satya Nadella, the legacy of chaotic naming schemes seems unaffected. If you ignore the inconsistency of Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One, Xbox One S, and Xbox One X, the real problem with this new name is the inevitable confusion between Xbox One X and Xbox Series X. This will be a challenge for both consumers and retailers Holiday 2020.

The next big reveal is the shape of the console. Traditionally, console manufacturers have limited their hardware designs to the general size and shape of stereo receivers of the 1960s. This has allowed them to join the standard stack of components that were part of an entertainment center. With the popularity of soundbars, the limited nature of cable boxes, and the growing popularity of streaming sticks, this need is far less important than in the past. Microsoft has latched onto this design change, making the Xbox Series X more of a tower than a flat box. Based on calculations made from the scale of the controller, it is estimated that the console is about the same height as the Xbox One X is wide (11.5 inches), but the width and depth are both around 4.25 inches. Essentially, cut the Xbox One X in half and stack them on top of one another and you have the new design. This will definitely be unique.

When it comes to new consoles, power is really the key. Microsoft has put significant power into the new console. The GPU is double the power of the Xbox One X, and significantly more powerful than the original Xbox One. This is accomplished with a custom AMD CPU and GPU, which is in line with the new Surface products, as well, plus 12 GB of RAM.

Between now and Holiday 2020 release, we will likely see more detailed information (such as official sizing), but this is a good start. What do you think of the new console? Let us know in the comments.


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