Day of the Programmer - The UpStream

Day of the Programmer

posted Sunday Sep 13, 2009 by Jon Wurm

Day of the Programmer

Russia's president Dimitry Medvedev has officially made September 13th a new professional holiday, "Day of the Programmer." It has actually been celebrated unofficially around the world for a long time on the 256th day of the year,

The number 256 is chosen because it is the number of integers that can be expressed using a single eight-byte, and also is the maximum degree of 2, which is less than 365.

I am an aspiring programmer myself as most of us are at PLuGHiTz Live! so we can certainly appreciate this and look forward to one day officially celebrating it here in mother U.S.A. It's good to see Russia leading the way again.

Do you think professional holidays are appropriate? Will more soon follow?


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