It's My Sexbox, and Her Name is Sony - The UpStream

It's My Sexbox, and Her Name is Sony

posted Sunday Sep 13, 2009 by Scott Ertz

It's My Sexbox, and Her Name is Sony

Steven Hirsch, head of Vivid Entertainment, wants to get involved with Sony, namely on the PS3. He believes that the PlayStation is grown up enough to start carrying adult content, and he believes his company has the right product to kick off the new product.

Hirsch says,

Our point is pretty simple. As long as age verification is in place that (Sony) feels comfortable with we see no reason why adults shouldn't be allowed to access adult movies on the Playstation 3.

Not long ago, Sony did allow adult content onto the PlayStation Network in Japan from, an adult movie service. This makes Hirsch believe that Sony might be interested in bringing adult content to the North American PSN as well.

He continues, saying,

They had made it clear in the past they were not interested. Now that they have agreed to in someway allow adult films on the Japanese platform we are going to move forward and make a formal request.

What do you think? Do we need porn on the PS3 or 360, or are there enough ways of getting it on DVD and the Internet?


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