Cocaine is a Hell of a Drug
posted Saturday Sep 12, 2009 by Scott Ertz
When you think of Courtney Love, what do you think? Is it a woman who could have been attractive had it not been for the decades of drug abuse? Or is it the crazy wife of Kurt Cobain? This week, my perception has changed, and all I think when I hear her name is sentences like this:
well they need to realise this is the result of years of f***ng fraud and liquidation and i never ever signed of on thisthin
I chose that one to share with you because it was the most intelligible this week, and it had the least number of words I needed to edit out. Let me explain. Guitar Hero 5 includes Kurt Cobain as a playable character. Badass, right? Well, for his likeness to appear in the game, Activision had to get Courtney Love's approval, as she is the heir to the estate.
Activision, obviously, believes they have what they need to make it legal (including a signed form that says they can use his likeness in a Guitar Hero title). Courtney Love believes Activision is full of it, and she never signed anything of the like. She has said so. Many times. All of it on her Twitter Page. If you decide to venture over there, good luck reading her drunken nonsense.