Bill to Prohibit FCC's Classification of Broadband as Utility - The UpStream

Bill to Prohibit FCC's Classification of Broadband as Utility

posted Saturday May 31, 2014 by Scott Ertz

Bill to Prohibit FCC's Classification of Broadband as Utility

We've been talking about net neutrality around here a lot lately. That is, in part, to the FCC recently trying to reinstate net neutrality regulations. While most of the country is happy about this, not everyone feels the same way.

One of the ways the FCC hopes to reinstate net neutrality is by reclassifying broadband as a utility. This move would make the Internet an optional necessity. This would allow for easier credit checks for customers, among other benefits. As a utility, more customers should have access to better Internet connections.

Unfortunately for the FCC, they have an opponent in Representative Bob Latta from Ohio. He has introduced a bill prohibiting the FCC from reclassifying broadband as the utility. Representative Latta said the move would actually hurt the economy.

At a time when the Internet economy is thriving and driving robust productivity and economic growth, it is reckless to suggest, let alone adopt, policies that threaten its success. Reclassification would heap 80 years of regulatory baggage on broadband providers, restricting their flexibility to innovate and placing them at the mercy of a government agency.

In light of the FCC initiating yet another attempt to regulate the Internet, upending long-standing precedent and imposing monopoly-era telephone rules and obligations on the 21st Century broadband marketplace, Congress must take action to put an end to this misguided regulatory proposal. The Internet has remained open and continues to be a powerful engine fueling private enterprise, economic growth and innovation absent government interference and obstruction.

Many consumer advocacy groups have demanded the FCC make this move. Since asking for open comment on the subject, the FCC has received over 48,000 comments. The general consensus from consumers is that they want the FCC to step in and prevent carriers from limiting their access to content.

The internet should be managed like a utility," wrote one person. "Don't let corporate greed degrade line speeds.

I am requesting that the FCC reclassifies Internet Service Providers as Title II common carriers. The USA is founded on principles of equality and freedom. These foundational concepts need to be applied to the Internet, particularly as we as a society move forward with technological advances. The internet is vital to society, and this uniquely creative and open marketplace must remain a place for all of us regardless of deep pockets and political connections.

These consumers fears have been underscored by the recent Viacom situation with Cable One. Viacom's ability to punish Internet subscribers for the perceived sins of their cable company is exactly what people are worried about. This, by definition, is the opposite of "The Internet has remained open," so eloquently spoken by Representative Latta.

So, do you think the FCC should regulate the Internet or do you think we should continue down the Wild West path we're on. We want to know. Sound off in the comments.


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