Department of Defense Bails on Cloud Project
posted Sunday Nov 17, 2013 by Scott Ertz
There has been an interesting trend lately within the enterprise to have concern over cloud solutions. It can certainly be understood, as we see services such as Adobe, Apple, Barnes & Noble and Blizzard all having data breeches recently. Of course, there is also the infamous PlayStation issue.
That fear has seemingly spread to the government, as the Department of Defense has recently canceled their request for proposal on a $450 million cloud contract. The contract, had it gone through, would have given 10 cloud companies contracts to provide database, storage, virtual server and Web hosting services. As it turns out, the DoD and the military aren't exactly interested in cloud services.
In general, the government has been minimizing the number of websites it maintains. Part of the move is probably in reaction to the disaster that has been The other issue at hand is, of course, security-related. In the wake of the Snowden leaks, the government has been trying to reduce the number of contractors with access to data.
The adjusted request, detailed in a notice on the Federal Business Opportunities website, suggests that the proposal may be canceled entirely, or severely limited on the number of contracts it will be looking for.