THQ Picks up Midway San Diego - The UpStream

THQ Picks up Midway San Diego

posted Saturday Aug 15, 2009 by Scott Ertz

THQ Picks up Midway San Diego

Last month we announced that most of Midway was purchased by Warner Brothers, and since, the Newcastle studio has been closed due to lack of a buyer. That left us with the question of what would become of San Diego. We now have an answer, and this one isn't the terrible result Newcastle faced.

THQ purchased the studio this week for $200,000 plus liabilities and employee expenses, including unpaid vacation time. The publisher has made 4o offers to studio employees to stay on as developers for THQ, with more to come. One thing that didn't seem to come with the deal was the franchise developed at the studio, TNA iMPACT!, although the game engine was included. There is no telling what this means for the future of the franchise, but we will keep an eye out and let you know when we hear.


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