Pepsi Signs One-Year Deal with Twitter to Further Music Awareness Campaign - The UpStream

Pepsi Signs One-Year Deal with Twitter to Further Music Awareness Campaign

posted Sunday Jun 3, 2012 by Nicholas DiMeo

Pepsi Signs One-Year Deal with Twitter to Further Music Awareness Campaign

This story is a case of monkey see, monkey do. We mentioned a few weeks ago that Spotify, in an attempt to gain more traction with its relatively new music-streaming service, teamed up with Coca-Cola to bring more attention to the platform as a whole. Now, Pepsi thinks it can further capitalize on the music industry and has looked beyond Young Money Cash Money Billionaires to the social world.

PepsiCo has partnered with Twitter for a year-long plan to use the social site to get more followers involved in music.

The new "Live For Now Music" campaign is a broadening of its existing "Live For Now" initiative that will now allow free music downloads, music videos and concerts in the summer and fall. Each Wednesday for the next year, Pepsi will provide a weekly roundup of sorts, uploading video on new artists, music and news all surrounding the topics that were trending on Twitter.

For those following @pepsi on Twitter, Pepsi will supply free music via Amazon MP3 and will be using #PepsiMusicNOW in their tweets to their fans. Twitter will also be the place to get the scoop on the concerts that will be announced a few days before they go on. For those out of region, the video will then be available to watch on-demand after the concert comes to a close.

Twitter has been closing a lot of deals lately. Two weeks ago they signed up with ESPN to build custom ad campaigns involving several major sports and events. Twitter says they will be making $259.9 million in ad revenue this year.

What do you think? Will this get more fans interacting with brands and music? Are you sick of the Nicki Minaj and three-year-old Lil Wayne song on the Pepsi commercials? Are you excited for the pop-up concerts? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below.


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