Verizon To Provide Text-To-911 Nationwide Solution - The UpStream

Verizon To Provide Text-To-911 Nationwide Solution

posted Sunday May 6, 2012 by Nicholas DiMeo

Verizon To Provide Text-To-911 Nationwide Solution

While Sprint may have secured a deal with 15 states for four years, things are also looking up for Verizon. We've known the United States has been working on being able to text in your 911 emergencies for quite some time now and Verizon has stepped up to help build the nationwide text system for the Next Generation 911 upgrade project. The company has selected TeleCommunication Systems Inc to assist them with the build out, which will include upgrades that will also increase the accuracy of the location data the 911 dispatchers receive for the calls.

How are they positioning this project? Learn the details after the break.

From the statement,

TeleCommunication Systems has worked closely with the FCC over the past two years to develop its innovative technology for SMS to 911. As the preeminent U.S. supplier of SMS and pioneer in wireless E911, TCS is well positioned to enable Verizon in advancing its public safety commitment.

Verizon is aiming for a 2013 launch of the network, which for now, will be available for Verizon Wireless customers who cannot speak or hear and would be unable to place a call into 911. Customers will also be able to receive 911 text notifications using Verizon's already in-place CDMA network.

Verizon also said that they are in the process of working out a deal with other carriers and the FCC that would allow federal and state groups use of the network once it is deployed nationwide, which would allow citizens to be able to better communicate with the public safety agencies.

It sounds like Verizon is going to put this all in place for their customers, make sure it is running smoothly, and then make a play to get the government to sign a deal that would make Verizon the "emergency network" of some sort. They hint at it in their press release.

Verizon is at the forefront of 911 public-safety innovations, and today's announcement is another step in making SMS-to-911 service available to those who cannot make a voice call to 911. Our company is continuing its long-standing commitment to address the needs of public safety and our customers by offering another way to get help in an emergency by using wireless technology.

All the wireless carriers from AT&T to Verizon are doing good things this week. It's kind of nice to see everybody playing well together in the wireless sandbox, don't you agree? Except for T-Mobile. They're just doing snow angels in their newly acquired spectrum.


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