PS3 Can Not Watch Hulu - The UpStream

PS3 Can Not Watch Hulu

posted Monday Jun 29, 2009 by Scott Ertz

PS3 Can Not Watch Hulu

It would appear that PlayStation 3 consoles can no longer watch any videos on via the internal web browser. Engadget believes that this is just a software glitch with the latest PS3 firmware, but we are receiving reports that the issue also affects users who do not have the latest firmware installed.

This certainly lends credence to the theory that Hulu is blocking the service on the PS3. It wouldn't be the first time they have taken actions like this. We know Hulu pulled its content from, and recently from Boxee, which is a way to watch web videos on your TV. It would not be a stretch, then, to jump to the conclusion that this is a purposeful attack on the PS3.

Another possibility comes to us from our friends at Revolution believe that there might be a new deal with Microsoft to "provide consumers with personalized content and advertising across all media platforms within three years."

What do you think? Does Engadget have it right with a firmware glitch? Or Revolution with a Microsoft partnership? Or is Hulu just crazy?


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