Heroes: Saving the Cheerleader Won't Save The Series - The UpStream

Heroes: Saving the Cheerleader Won't Save The Series

posted Sunday May 16, 2010 by Josh Henry

Heroes: Saving the Cheerleader Won't Save The Series

Something that us fans of NBC's show Heroes have been anticipating has actually been confirmed, that being the cancellation of the series. Yes that is right, Heroes will be no more and we will no longer be able to hear about Mohinder and his father's research, nor will we be able to see problems fixed by a little memory wipe here or a trip back in time. The cancellation of the show has been speculated for the past two years but now that it has actually been confirmed it is a bit bitter sweet. I myself along with the rest of the crew have watched the show since day one and have seen the decline of the series since its amazing first season. Now don't get me wrong, each of the seasons have had their truly great moments and glimmers of hope but to find this news unexpected or surprising is a bit naive.

In my opinion, since the moment that Mohinder put that syringe into his arm the series fell to pieces...that and when Peter lost his powers. It seems a bit ironic that the last season was named "Redemption" and that it ended in the series being cancelled but I personally think that the series being cancelled doesn't necessarily mean that the series can't be turned around but rather that the cost of making episodes for the show is too great given the viewing audience. With all of its special effects and such a small viewing audience the show has got to be making NBC throw its money down the drain kind of like the Winter Olympics. Some have speculated that NBC could just make a Heroes movie for television to throw the fans a bone, but in all honesty I don't see the point as most of the actors are already finding work elsewhere. So far the reactions have been mixed between sadness and relief but it goes without saying that the series will be missed.


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