February 11th's Forcast: Heavy Rain - The UpStream

February 11th's Forcast: Heavy Rain

posted Sunday Jan 31, 2010 by Josh Henry

February 11th's Forcast: Heavy Rain

It's amazing how with today's technology we STILL can't determine whether or not it is going to rain these days (at least for those of us in Florida). Well I am here to tell you that there is a 100% chance of PS3's Heavy Rain demo for those of you that are worried about exactly what the game is. Understandably, many gamers out there are still on the fence about Quantic Dream's latest adventure game. Is it just a long QTE? Is it actually a game? Well hopefully the new demo will be able to clear up some of the questions. A free demo will be available on the PlayStation Network on February 11th, in both Europe and North America.

Apparently the demo will be showing off two chapters: one featuring FBI agent Norman Jayden attempting to track down the Origami Killer, the other on Scott Shelby, PI.

Personally I can't wait to see this game, it reminds me of a little DreamCast game called Shemue and the sequel for the Xbox Shemue 2. If the game is remotely what I think it is I think it will be a blast to play, as well as intellectually stimulating. I will let ya know if and when I get my hands on the demo.


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