Back in the Ring! Apple Retaliates...Yet Again. - The UpStream

Back in the Ring! Apple Retaliates...Yet Again.

posted Saturday Jan 16, 2010 by Nicholas DiMeo

Back in the Ring! Apple Retaliates...Yet Again.

And the battle continues! Apple has decided to punch back in this never-ending, back and forth dispute with Nokia. Didn't see that one coming...

Last we heard, Nokia had filed a complaint with International Trade Commission. But this just seemed like a sad attempt to get the upper hand in this battle, considering the claim had nothing to do with the original complaint in the lawsuit. They attempted to have the ITC ban imports of Apple products into the U.S. Even though this move was somewhat expected, we're not too sure on how banning products from entering the U.S. is going to compensate for the patents that were infringed on, the original cause for the legal system to intervene.

Apple has decided to continue to flame the fire, trying to retaliate. Although the reason is unknown at this time, Apple has filed a claim on the ITC website against Nokia. Shocking, I know. It seems as if both companies have lost sight of the original problem, but by no means does either company intend to let down its guard. To make matters worse, it may take over a year for the ITC to finish an investigation, if they agree to pursue this dispute. At this rate, by the time this conflict is resolved Apple and Nokia will both have perished. But, if we're lucky, this may be settled in an orderly manner, just don't hold your breath.


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