5 ways your SME can stand out and keep clients happy - The UpStream

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5 ways your SME can stand out and keep clients happy

posted Saturday Jan 20, 2024 by Noel Arcallana

Business success can be defined in various ways, but the crucial aspect is standing out in a crowded marketplace to attract and retain clients. Failing to do so will result in low conversion rates and poor customer loyalty, ultimately hindering business growth and prosperity.

Here are five top tips to help you achieve this goal in 2024 and beyond.

Launch an app

Virtually all businesses now boast websites that are optimized for mobile. However, a far smaller percentage have an app. Working with an app development team to build a bespoke solution can truly take your venture to the next level. Whether you choose to integrate eCommerce functionality, interactive features, or real-time live chat capabilities, an app will give your business a more professional and polished image. This investment can set you apart from competitors and enhance your customer engagement.

Also, people spend hours on their devices each week. Your app is a constant reminder of the brand, which makes it a powerful marketing tool.

Show an understanding of your client

Whether it's a consumer or a B2B decision-maker, most people don't look for the best company. Instead, they want to find the right fit for them. Several steps may be taken to showcase your suitability. Firstly, appreciating your place in the market and tailoring your brand accordingly will help it resonate with them. Establishing a deep connection with your audience by demonstrating that your business 'gets them' is invaluable. Social listening is a vital skill to achieve this.

Additionally, showcasing a thoughtful approach that aligns with client values, such as embracing sustainability and supporting worthy causes, can foster a strong sense of resonance and loyalty. By doing so, you can create a positive impact while setting your business apart as a responsible and caring entity

Create more time for clients

In addition to feeling that your brand understands their needs, people want to feel valued. The best way to do this is through dedicating more time to them. Automating appropriate business tasks can achieve this. It frees up more time that can be dedicated to productivity and client care.

In addition, many clients now prefer self-serve support, so implementing FAQ pages, chatbots, and tutorials can be highly beneficial. By offering these resources, you can empower clients to find answers independently, enhancing their experience and freeing up your team to focus on higher-value interactions.

Embrace influencer marketing

Building a strong brand will go a long way to establishing a platform for success. Still, social proof and the power of recommendation cannot be ignored. When people can see that your products have gained a vote of confidence from other people, it will impact their thoughts. A social influencer agency can connect you to creatives who can spread the word on your behalf with great results.

Also, consider leveraging affiliate marketing and testimonials, which can give you a competitive edge over other companies. By showcasing genuine customer endorsements and partnering with affiliates, you can amplify your reach and credibility.

Show that you value clients

Acquiring new customers is only half the battle; retaining them is where real success lies. While many companies offer promotions to attract new customers, implementing a loyalty scheme or special discounts for repeat customers can be even more effective. It's faster and more cost-effective to re-engage a previous customer than to win a new one. Plus, by analyzing their past purchases, you can gain insights into their buying habits and make personalized recommendations. Adding a personal touch, like sending an eGreeting on their birthday with a discount on their next order, can further strengthen your relationship with returning customers


Embracing the steps outlined above may be treading on new territories but the business of standing out and making your clients happy has changed dramatically in the last few years. Are there things that you have implemented in your own ventures that really worked? Share with us in the comments section.


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