How to get a job in software testing - The UpStream

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How to get a job in software testing

posted Wednesday Dec 6, 2023 by Noel Arcallana

The tech industry is growing year on year and while automated testing has increased massively, there are still software testing jobs and those will not be going away anywhere anytime soon. There will always be a need for the human touch in software testing and if you thrive in problem-solving, have great attention to detail, and are open to continuous learning, you might find success in this profession.

There is a software testing job board, and there are job listings available in local newspapers and advertising boards. Understanding how you can get yourself out there and be known as a software tester for hire is important. So, we have put together a list of tips to help you get a software testing job.

Strengthen your online presence

Make sure that you have a sharp presence online. You need to start building your personal brand and that includes being more present and available online. Creating a LinkedIn profile and setting up social accounts can get your name out there, but you also need to post regularly on those accounts. If you are in software testing, then you probably understand the relevance of technology and its importance in getting you ahead. So, use it. You can bet that your competition is.

Get an internship

If you are in a position to say yes to an internship, go for it. It is a great way to get your foot in the door and explore different roles without having to make a long-term commitment. For example, you can intern in a digital marketing company answering support tickets. While there, you can discover the world of account management and project management which means that you can dip your toe in different aspects of software testing. From here, you can determine what your passion really is.


If you're already in a job, you might want to volunteer in your own company to step into other roles. Maybe QA doesn't exist where you are, or the QA team is overwhelmed and needs some help. No matter what it is, if there is an opportunity to help, take that initiative and reach out. It's going to be favorable to you with your management if you are looking for ways to expand your skills and not cost them extra. Talk about a win-win situation here.

Get certified

Professional certifications are a good way to get you ahead of other candidates. They show your willingness to maintain a high level of knowledge and skill in your chosen field. Companies often look for their candidates' certifications because they add credibility to your expertise and therefore increase your marketability.


Often with software testing, who you know is as important as what you know. Getting to know people in the industry is going to really help you to stand out as a great candidate. Not only does networking help facilitate exchange of ideas and best practices, but it also helps build professional relationships and open doors to new opportunities.

In conclusion, getting a software testing job can still be lucrative and getting yourself out there and sharpening your saw could increase your chance of getting that job. Can you think of other ways that worked for you? Share with us in the comments section.


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