Effective ways to improve your payroll process - The UpStream

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Effective ways to improve your payroll process

posted Sunday Oct 22, 2023 by Noel Arcallana

Any business that has at least one employee needs to have a payroll process, and it needs to be as good as possible. Paying your staff correctly is one of the most fundamental things that you need to make sure you are doing, after all. Otherwise, you will very quickly face a revolt from your employees. So you need to pay them fairly, on time, and without errors, every month. To ensure that, you need to know how to really boss your payroll process.

In this post, we are going to discuss a number of really effective ways that can improve your payroll process. Take a look into the following points and see which ones you can adopt to improve how you do things.

Improve time tracking

This is one of the main things that you will need to look into to ensure an accurate and fair payroll process. After all, people deserve to be paid properly for all the time that they work, especially if you are paying them a wage rather than a salary. And for that, you need to have a system in place to show you how much time they have actually spent at work. This system should be accurate and easy to use.

To that end, take a look at your system and make sure that the time tracking process works as well as it should. You may want to take a look at this list of the 20 Best Time Card Calculators For Managers, as it can give you a pretty good idea of the best tools out there.

However you do it, as long as you are tracking time accurately, it's going to make payroll so much easier and more effective.

Maintain auto-enrollment

There are all kinds of auto-enrollment schemes which you might want to make sure you have in place, and it is important to make sure that you maintain these as well as possible.

A good example of these are pensions. For pensions, you will have to offer a particular percentage once an employee qualifies depending on your company's requirements. Maintaining an auto-enrollment system will help you stay on top of things and ensure your employees get what they truly deserve.

Create a monthly schedule

Because payroll needs to be done every month, it is paramount that you set up a monthly payroll schedule that is followed to the letter each time. This is a great way of ensuring that nothing goes wrong and everyone gets paid on time.

Sometimes, creating that schedule is the tricky part. One best practice is to take the date that you pay people and work backwards. Usually, everything has to be finalized a couple of working days in advance. From there, you can figure out when final checks need to be made, overtime and expenses put in, and so on.

Once you have a schedule that you can follow, you will find that your payroll system becomes so much easier and with lesser errors, in general.

Hire HR experts

Of course, you can make all of this easier for yourself by simply having someone there to help you. Once your business grows to a certain size, you might want to think about getting some HR experts on board to do the payroll for you. That is a great way to make sure that everyone gets paid on time accurately. The right HR team could make the whole payroll system so much simpler and easier for you.


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