Google to Launch Chrome OS in a Week? - The UpStream

Google to Launch Chrome OS in a Week?

posted Sunday Nov 15, 2009 by Nicholas DiMeo

Google to Launch Chrome OS in a Week?

When the Google Chrome OS project was announced in July, they claimed it would be available in the fall. With winter coming in roughly 4 weeks, a "reliable source" has said to look for an unpolished version of the OS within a week.

What wonderful features do we have to look forward to? Probably not driver support. In fact, word on the street is that Google engineers are still developing an initial set of hardware drivers. Adversely, we've also heard that Google is depending on the manufacturers themselves to build them. In either case, in order to gain even a sliver of the market share, Chrome OS is going to have to come through on a diverse list of working drivers. Most of the users are going to download this OS and want it to work with whatever computer they have.

Don't expect the operating system to work with every machine on launch day, however. Google will most likely have a select group of devices certified for use with Chrome OS. The company has already said they are working with the likes of Acer, Adobe, ASUS, Freescale, HP, Lenovo, Qualcomm, Texas Instruments and Toshiba.

With Chrome taking over as a useful browser, Google Talk being used as a simple messaging service, and now with the addition of the Droid series of phones trying to make a stronghold on the mobile market, do you think Chrome OS will pull away loyal Apple or Windows fans? Or will they just grab the attention of the six Linux-faithful that still remain?


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