Planning for Versatility - Christian Verstrate Introduces Several Concepts - The UpStream

Planning for Versatility - Christian Verstrate Introduces Several Concepts

posted Tuesday Jul 3, 2012 by Contributor

Planning for Versatility - Christian Verstrate Introduces Several Concepts

Christian Verstraete is the Chief Technologist for Cloud Strategy at HP- with the mission of defining HP's Enterprise Business-wide functional and reference architecture and working across the CTO organization to coordinate activities around HP-wide Cloud offerings.

CIO's in this economic are looking for agility and responsiveness - allowing them to grow, flex or shrink as necessary. Christian talks about the process and discipline needed. The distinction between Core and Context functions is a key strategic skill in planning converged capability, tying things together in an open environment and providing the flexibility to move.

Christian discusses the difference between public cloud services and managed cloud services and why the needs of a business might require a combination the two approaches.

The video interview from the HP Discover 2012 event by the SDR News team is available after the break.

The source link below will provide additional information related to the interview.


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