CES The Beginning [Back Channel]
posted Saturday Jan 28, 2012 by Contributor
Steve and I cruised into Las Vegas early this afternoon at a snail's pace of 55MPH, RV trailer in tow. After getting the RV hooked up, we quickly hooked up with Todd, Jack, Andy, Courtney, and Andy over at the Las Vegas Convention Center. The plan was to get the show started: place the tables, hang the lights, run the cables, and so much more. Much of it was completed and Day 2 brings the joys of testing the audio, the video, and the entire setup. In two days, the Convention Center will be transformed into the epicenter of tech. CES 2012 will dominate the airwaves, the Internet, and people's conscience. Keep up with all the CES action at tpn.tv as we bring you everything from glamorous Las Vegas.
-Steve (@netcaststudio) and Dave (@daveandfirefly)
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