Nintendo to Show Off its Better Wii at E3 - The UpStream

Nintendo to Show Off its Better Wii at E3

posted Sunday May 1, 2011 by Nicholas DiMeo

Nintendo to Show Off its Better Wii at E3

Regardless if Nintendo thinks they rocked the 3DS sales or if analysts seem to disagree, all we know is that we love the one we have. Unfortunately, because of the disaster in Japan, among other things, Nintendo seems to project their profits to fall short of spectacular and only end up flat this year.

How will Nintendo recover? Details are after the break.

However, word is flying around that Nintendo is looking to change that with a forward-looking move: showing off a new Wii at E3 this June in LA. Only five years after Nintendo, per their usual, set a new trend of gaming and appealed to a whole new, large group of people who now play games, we will be seeing the Wii's replacement.

The issue this time around is dealing with tablets and smartphones that now have games on them, as well as the Kinect's success. Nintendo doesn't think that it will affect them though, as they have said that, "Core users and game lovers will certainly buy it, but I think it will be hard to capture buyers outside of that group."

The sad side of all this is that Nintendo is losing money while we wait to see what their next move is. They just posted a quarterly profit of only 12 billion yen, which is far below last year's 60 billion mark, but also due to the price drop on the Wii. In its five years, the Wii has sold 86 million units, but only 15 million were moved last year, showing a decline in growth that Nintendo expected, but not at the rate they are seeing it.

Despite all of this, CEO Saturo Iwata remains optimistic.

We have decided that it is best to let people experience it for themselves at E3. It will offer a new way of playing games within the home.

Will this new Wii yet again revolutionize the gaming industry as we saw years ago? We will find out at E3 and have our thoughts on it!


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