PLUGHITZ Live Media Kit

PLUGHITZ Live Media Kit

Who We Are

PLUGHITZ Live keeps you plugged in to the worlds of gadgets, gaming, internet, and media through news, reviews, and previews. We publish technology news articles, product reviews, podcasts, and deals.

Our staff is diverse, including software engineers, financial executies, business majors, robotics and makerspace managers, and even a hairdresser. We believe that the diversity of this team is what allows us to effectively cover a range of differing topics.

Our Background

Editor-in-Chief Scott Ertz has a background in digital production, having been involved in producing two television shows in school. PLUGHITZ Live was born out of his passion for both technology and production, starting with the show that became F5 Live: Refreshing Technology. Since then, through partnerships and emerging technology, we have expanded the show count to seven, and added news and reviews.

Who Our Audience Is

Our audience skews male, averaging about 65% male, 35% female. While the primary age ranges from 18-44, the core of the audience falls in the 25-34 range (about 39%).

PLUGHITZ Live is a featured member of the Tech Podcast Network, which syndicates a lot of our content. TPN surveyed the combined audience. Of the 43,000 viewers surveyed, 41% said that they were influenced to purchase from our content. The TPN coverage viewers are:

  • early adopters
  • health conscious
  • consumer electronics fans
  • high disposable income
  • corporate buyers
  • digitally connected



Our site's audience might be small in comparison to the big technology publications, but is dedicated to the content we produce. An average month has our content revealed through between 5,500 and 6,000 impressions through search (4k through Google, 2k through Bing). That translates into around 3k page views across around 1k sessions. Alexa ranks us in the 1.6 million range.


Our podcasts are the driving force behind the brand. Our flagship series, F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, is a weekly discussion show where we spotlight the content that was written during the week. This brings a new, more engaging view to our articles. In the first half of 2019, our shows saw:

  • Podcatchers: 26,000 downloads
  • YouTube: 58,000 views, 120,000 minutes
  • Facebook: 4,188 minutes

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