Jeff Carlat: Proactive Service and Support - Show Notes

Jeff Carlat: Proactive Service and Support

Tuesday Jun 5, 2012 (00:16:28)


Jeff Carlat is Director of Marketing at Hewlett-Packard, and is responsible for working with customers to minimize the cost and downtime impact of remedial action - which can be as much as $12-18 Million per hour in certain situations. The problem facing almost every CIO is that the expense of keep existing operations running consumes 75-80% of the IT budget- the majoritiy of the IT spend being labor.

Reducing human error and delay in finding and fixing problems is key part of a proactive strategy, integrating logistic support and response to the support telemetry. Logging in from a mobile device, the manager using Insight Online can monitor service, contract, warranty and license information.



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Jeff Carlat: Proactive Service and Support

Jeff Carlat is Director of Marketing at Hewlett-Packard, and is responsible for working with customers to minimize the cost and downtime impact of remedial action - which can be as much as $12-18 Million per hour in certain situations. The problem facing almost every CIO is that the expense of keep existing operations running consumes 75-80% of the IT budget- the majoritiy of the IT spend being labor.

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