Crystal showed off a new Tomb Raider that lives up to the expectations that fans have of the game. Most notably, the transition between cinematic and game play is very smooth and keeps the action going. Lara Croft also keeps getting hotter so maybe they will bundle it with some new underwear upon release.
A few world premiers that came next were Ascend: New Gods which might make you say "God of War who?", Lococycle and Matter which appears to be some crazy awesome Portal like game with marbles. All these are coming out sometime 2013.
Resident Evil 6 was more of the same old thing we've come to expect. The game play looked a little choppy but it's still the quintessential zombie killer game.
The award for Goofiest game of the Keynote goes to Wreckateer which is a fun E for everyone Kinect game where you use your body to guide projectiles into castles and blow them into non-existence. Remember, the family that slays together, stays together. Dance Central 3 had a big showing with Usher giving a live performance but we didn't see a lot of the actual game. I get the feeling that if you've played it before, you've played this one as well. Another goof game but for completely different reasons was South Park: The Stick of Truth which puts you in an episode of the TV show by South Parkifying your avatar. It is also an obvious Lord of the Rings parody so if you like South Park you'll like this, too.
The F5 Live crew discuss the value of these titles.
With over ten years of audio engineering experience, Nick's addition to PLuGHiTz Corporation is best served when he is behind the mixing board every Sunday night to produce the audio side of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, Piltch Point and PLuGHiTz Live Night Cap. While mixing live every week, his previous radio show hosting experience gives him the ability to co-host as well, giving each show a unique flare with his slightly off-center, yet still realistic take on all things tech. An integral part of the show, you can find Nick always enveloped in coming up with new (and sometimes crazy) ideas and content for the show and you can always expect the most direct opinion on the stories that he feels need to be shared with the world. During the few hours where Nick isn't sleeping or working on ways to improve the company, he spends his free time going to hockey and football games and playing the latest titles on Xbox 360. Email him for his gamertag and add him today for a fun escape from the normal monotony and annoyance that the Xbox LIVE gaming community can sometimes be!
Jon is a F5 Live co-host and UpStream contributor as well as the Chief Cash Officer of PLuGHiTz Corporation. We don't know how he wears so many hats so well or how he still finds time to feed his need for all things tech but some questions are best left unanswered. If you're up for a challenge go find him on Xbox Live @shinobiJon and if you figure him out...let us know.
Ever wanted to team up with Eric Cartman and run amok through South Park, CO? Well, now you can. At the Microsoft press event, we were told we could do just that, with Obsidian's latest project out of THQ, South Park: The Stick of Truth. Perhaps THQ can turn things around. If you care about South Park, this game will be perfect for you. If you don't, then this title probably won't change your mind.
Not unexpected this year, Microsoft came out strong by announcing right away that entertainment is the primary focus with the Xbox Live living room experience. Alas, gamers shouldn't be too disappointed with the video game showing, however, even though no matter how much they give us, we will always want more.
Hit the break to join us live for Microsoft's E3 Press Conference!