Motion Pillow can help people get relief from snoring @ CES 2023 - Show Notes

Motion Pillow can help people get relief from snoring @ CES 2023

Thursday May 25, 2023 (00:06:53)


Snoring is a common problem that affects many people, and it can cause a variety of health issues. Fortunately, there is a new product on the market that is designed to help reduce snoring: the Motion Pillow. This innovative pillow is designed to detect when a person is snoring and then reposition their head to open the airway and stop the snoring without waking them up.

Reduce snoring with Motion Pillow

Snoring typically occurs when a person is lying on their back, and the muscles in the upper airway relax and fall into the trachea, causing turbulent breathing. This can be a major disruption for both the snorer and their partner. The Motion Pillow is designed to prevent this disruption by learning the individual's snoring sound and then adjusting the head position to open the airway.

The Motion Pillow is a soft, memory foam pillow that is certified to be safe and comfortable. It has removable foam inserts that can be used to adjust the height of the pillow, so you can find the most comfortable position for yourself. This makes it a great choice for people who like a thicker pillow, as well as those who prefer a thinner one.

How it works

The Motion Pillow works by adjusting itself to ensure you are positioned perfectly for optimal breathing. It's easy enough for you to control your positioning as you fall asleep because you know what's comfortable. However, after you're asleep, moving around can cause breathing problems and ultimately snoring. As such, the Motion Pillow moves with you. As you find a new position throughout the night, the pillow moves to position your head and neck so that you can breathe correctly, reducing snoring and increasing airflow.

The Motion Pillow is not intended to be a medical device, but rather a consumer product that can be purchased without a prescription. It is designed to help people who snore when they are lying on their back, but it is important to consult with a medical professional first to determine the cause of the snoring.

The Motion Pillow has been tested in a small-scale clinical trial, and the results showed that 93% or more of the respondents saw a reduction in their snoring. This product is currently available in the South Korean market, and 10minds, the company behind the Motion Pillow, intends to bring it to the U.S. market in the third quarter of this year.

Learn more

The Motion Pillow is a great solution for people who snore when they are lying on their back. It can help reduce snoring without disrupting sleep, and it is a great way for people to get a better night's sleep without having to worry about waking up their partner. If you are looking for a way to reduce your snoring, the Motion Pillow is definitely worth considering.

To learn more about Motion Pillow and to find out if they make their way to the US market, head over to their website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central.

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Scott Ertz

Episode Author

Scott is a developer who has worked on projects of varying sizes, including all of the PLUGHITZ Corporation properties. He is also known in the gaming world for his time supporting the rhythm game community, through DDRLover and hosting tournaments throughout the Tampa Bay Area. Currently, when he is not working on software projects or hosting F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, Scott can often be found returning to his high school days working with the Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), mentoring teams and helping with ROBOTICON Tampa Bay. He has also helped found a student software learning group, the ASCII Warriors, currently housed at AMRoC Fab Lab.

Todd Cochrane

Network Host

Todd is the CEO of RawVoice / Blubrry - a podcast media company that represents 105,000 Audio and Video podcasters in which his company provides advertising opportunities, media distribution/hosting, podcast media statistics and other services. He is a podcast advertising specialist. Executing podcast advertising deals with a variety of national vendors for the past 13 years. Todd was responsible for bringing GoDaddy into the Podcast Advertising Space as one of the first podcast advertisers in 2005.


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