If you're a content creator, you know how important video can be to your success. But, unless you are specifically focused on creating video, it can be a real challenge to turn your talents in that direction. Filming a short video can be easy enough, but what about the editing? That's where Pictory comes in, bringing AI directly into the video editing process.
Pictory is the world's first AI-powered video editing platform that makes it easy for content creators and marketers to produce engaging videos automatically. With the platform, you can create video highlights, add captions to videos, and more in minutes. The company is based in Seattle and was founded in 2019 by a team of experienced marketing and technology executives. Pictory is backed by world-class investors and is changing the way we create video content.
Pictory uses AI to automatically edit videos based on engagement data, so you can be sure that your videos are optimized for maximum impact. The system also makes it easy to repurpose existing long-form content such as webinars, podcasts, and blogs into social snippets.
You upload your raw video into the Pictory system and the platform does the initial tedious work for you. It is able to look for spacer words, such as "um" and "ah" and automatically remove them. You can even customize which words are considered spacers so the AI can adapt to your personal speaking patterns.
Pictory's AI then analyzes your video and provides you with a range of options for how to proceed. You can choose to have the AI automatically edit your video based on engagement data, or you can select from a variety of editing options to create the perfect video for your needs.
Pictory can also create videos from text, so you don't even need to have a video to start with. Just upload your blog post, podcast episode, or other written content and the system will turn it into a beautiful video that you can share on social media or your website.
Videos can be pictures and video clips laid over music, or Pictory can convert a script into speech. This is done through digital voice synth technology. That means that a virtual voice will be used to speak the lines in your script. As AI technology has improved, so have synthetic voices, meaning your video will still sound natural.
Pictory is perfect for content creators who want to add video to their repertoire but don't have the time or expertise to edit videos themselves. It is also great for marketers who need to create videos at scale. With the platform, you can easily turn existing written content into videos, or create short video highlights from longer videos.
Pictory is changing the way we create video content and making it easier than ever for content creators to get started with video. To learn more about the platform and how it can help you create engaging videos automatically, visit the company's website.
Interview by Allante Sparks of PLuGHiTz Live Special Events.
Allante - also well known as Wolff - is the newest member and co-host for PLuGHiTz Live! Radio. A gifted artist, he is usually found drawing up a character or two or sketching up whatever comes to mind. Do not think that he is not a hardcore gamer because he is about as hardcore as it gets! His favorites range from fighting games to RPGs, adventure and even a racing game here and there. Fighting games are his forte and he relays this message for all who oppose: You mess with the Wolff and you get the fangs!
Xbox Live - Enigmatic Wolff
PSN - Tsukuyomi_Okami
Scott is a developer who has worked on projects of varying sizes, including all of the PLUGHITZ Corporation properties. He is also known in the gaming world for his time supporting the rhythm game community, through DDRLover and hosting tournaments throughout the Tampa Bay Area. Currently, when he is not working on software projects or hosting F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, Scott can often be found returning to his high school days working with the Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), mentoring teams and helping with ROBOTICON Tampa Bay. He has also helped found a student software learning group, the ASCII Warriors, currently housed at AMRoC Fab Lab.
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So, let's see if we have our guests ready here. All right. Hello there.
Hi Allante. This is Vikram.
A pleasure to meet you, Vikram. Go ahead and tell us about your company. And then you know, let us know what, what you're here for?
Yeah, absolutely. So, I'm the CEO of a company called Pictory.ai. And we're at CES showing our solutions. Our solution is basically something that helps make videos really easy. So the best description is Canva for videos, whether it's for video creation, or video editing, we let you do videos using text. That's kind of the key.
Okay, um, do you mind elaborating on that a little bit? Because this does sound really interesting.
Yeah. So for example, we have a recording of this podcast, and we want to edit it, maybe remove some of my, that I often do, or can you hear me now things like that. Right. So there's a lot of this. So all you do is upload the recording into our platform. Okay. Our platform transcribes it, as in, like, converts that speech to text. And, then you don't think of when you're editing the video, you just edit the trantranscribedument. You don't have to think of timestamps. You don't have to think of start time, end time. You just think of you look at the time, the text, and say, I want to remove this text where I said, Can you hear me now? Or I want to keep selecting this text, when I said something profound in a 20-minute webinar, I might say something profound, or one minute.
Sure. Yeah, no, that's fascinating. I love the sound of that, as someone who has tried to work very hard to remove his Ahms and Ahhs. It has not been very successful with it. That honestly, sounds pretty fantastic that you can just do it via the transcribed text. Now, is this process automated at all? Or like, can you say, whenever I say these particular words, it can be automatically edited out? Or is it all manual?
No, no, it's completely automatic. So in fact, you just press a button and say, All the filler words are removed, and you can add your own filler words, somebody might say, you know, a lot or somebody might say like, and you can just add that to the list. And all you have to do is press one button, and it removes all the filler words from your transcript. You can remove silences. So sometimes we have awkward pauses, you can just say, remove everything bigger than one second. And then everything more than one second will be gone from the video. So yeah, and that's just like the tip of the iceberg. We have so many things on our platform that this but this, this seems to be the most popular. The other one is, you know, you take this long video recording, for example, say a 20-minute video, and you want to create little TikTok or YouTube shorts from it. So you can again, do the same process and it would have transcribed it. And you would just select from the transcription, you select the places you said something profound, like say two or three highlights where you said something interesting. And it will take those little clips out. And from a single recording, you can create, you know, multiple dozens of short videos that you can then upload to your social channels.
That is very cool. I do love these tools that make it easier for anybody to kind of be a video editor. And that's, that's one of those more difficult things to take care of is you know, these awkward silences and the filler words that we all do when you're trying to figure out what to say. Man, I'm blown away by this. Now, let me ask you this in some of these instances instead of, let's say, cutting the moments when you say Ahh and Ahm or like awkward silences and things like that. Maybe there's something, something still going on. That's visually interesting. Can you fill that in with something else? Like, can you tell the program to fill it in with something else?
You give me a really good idea now. It's not there yet but this is a great feature request.
Just email me the proceeds. That's fine. No, I'm joking. No, that's, I'm glad to have you know, ask you a question that is helping this along. Because that's, you know, these are all of the little things that we wonder, like, instead of cutting out that time, like, what else can we fill that space with? So cool. I'm glad to have help.
Yeah, we get it. So by the way, like, any of these products like that, we build this product for the creator community. And so I see you're part of the Creator Community, I'm part of the Creator Community. I create products, and nothing happens in isolation. We all build it together.
And this is a community. And so, I'm grateful for your little feature request, this is great. The commonly asked thing is, can you change what I said to something else?
So that's, that's something people will commonly ask, say, I use the wrong word, can you. I use a swear word, can you convert it to a nice word? Or something like that?
Now is something like that possible? Or how do you deal with that? With that particular issue?
Yeah, it's in the works. Something we're working on in our lab right now. It's called Voice cloning technology. So you basically, you take, you know, 10-20 minutes of your voice, and I can then clone that in the model and then replace it with, with artificial, like, text to speech just sounds like you.
Sure, yeah, that makes sense. And we've got a lot of really, really good voice cloning technologies that are out and available right now. So it sounds less of a leap to do something like that now, than, you know, let's say just a couple of years ago. So that is very cool. I, really, and me, I'm a creator, but I'm kind of a low-level video editor. So anything that kind of makes it to where somebody like me can make a nice video, that that I'm willing to represent myself with, and cut out all of the filler or, you know, adjust my Ahhs and Ahms, and things like that. I am very welcome. That's a very welcome technology, I think you've got something that can be very, very successful. Is this product available in the market right now, or when should we expect to see it around in the wild?
We launched it recently, only last year, and it's available now. It's called Pictory.ai. And we had a pretty successful launch. We now have several thousand customers who use this on a daily basis. And all over the world. And so you just, you can go in there on our website, sign up for a free trial. Try it on your videos. The other thing we also have is like, you can take a piece of text and convert it to a video. So that's one thing I didn't talk about. You can start with a script. So a lot of people are we're good at writing, but we're not good at videos necessarily.
So, or even recording ourselves, like you and I are comfortable in front of the camera, but many folks aren't.
And so, they could just write a little piece of text. And we go in a library, we have a stock library of millions of pieces of stock content B-roll footage that we search through and find the best one for every sentence, and then we stitch it together, we can add a text to speech or you can record your voice at that point and put that video in that form.
That's incredible. The fact that you can I guess make a whole narrative or narration you know, without you having to be a part of the process. You know, and I mean, we've got all of these kinds of avatar-y things that you know people can use and have been using for you know, for a little bit of time here so, you know. The fact that you can pretty much remove yourself from the camera altogether. That's great. Where can we find this? What is the website?
Pictory.ai. P I C T O R Y.ai.
Excellent and how much? How much does this cost?
Oh, it's not that expensive. So about $40 a month, and you can get pretty much all the premium functions.
Okay, wonderful. So it's so it is subscription-based.
Yes. It's a software as a service. Yep. Yep.
And it. Yeah.
Go ahead.
Cloud-based video editing. You don't need that heavy, powerful desktop to do any of that stuff.
Very, very important. Any other important details that you might want to add anything that I missed?
No, I think we covered it. We covered it. Lots of B-roll, you can replace your speaking face with a B-roll. You can do all this video editing. You can do a summarization of videos.
Fantastic. I love it. This was a pleasure, Vikram. I really enjoy hearing about this product and I look forward to interacting with it myself because it sounds amazing.
Thank you very much for joining us here. It was a pleasure. And I hope you enjoy the rest of your CES. I know there isn't much of the show left. But and most importantly, Get home safe. All right.
Thank you, Allante. Thanks for having me.
Not a problem. You take care.
Take care.Bye-byee.
TPN CES 2022 coverage is executive produced by Michele Mendez. Technical Directors are Kurt Corless and Adam Barker. Associate producers are Nancy Ertz and Maurice McCoy. Interviews are edited by Jo Mini. Hosts are Marlo Anderson, Todd Cochrane, Scott Ertz, Christopher Jordan, Daniele Mendez, and Allante Sparks. Las Vegas studio provided by HC Productions. Remote studio provided by PLUGHITZ Productions. This has been Tech Podcasts Network Production, copyright 2022.