iMediSync: 90%+ early detection accuracy of Alzheimer's @ CES 2022 - Show Notes

iMediSync: 90%+ early detection accuracy of Alzheimer's @ CES 2022

Thursday Feb 10, 2022 (00:15:49)


If you've ever been around someone with a mental disorder, such as Alzheimer's or other forms of dementia, you know it can be hard for everyone involved. Watching a loved one disappear into a fog of confusion and often anger is emotionally distressing for the caretakers and family. Unfortunately, there has not been any way to detect these issues early on with efficiency, making it difficult to treat before the disease progresses beyond repair. However, iMediSync has a new product to do just that.

Who is iMediSync?

iMediSync has developed a ground-breaking early detection and therapeutic platform for optimal brain health. Their first solution is its proprietary EEG database, which can detect Mild Cognitive Impairment (early stage of Alzheimer's disease) with 90%+ accuracy. Clinical trials with multicenter hospitals have confirmed this accuracy. The vision of the company is to develop early-detecting biomarkers for challenging neurological disorders and diseases such as ADHD, depression, Parkinson's, coma, and more.

Why is this important?

This is a huge step forward for the early detection of Alzheimer's and other mental disorders. iMediSync has the potential to help millions of people who are currently undiagnosed and untreated. The earlier these issues can be detected, the better the chances are for a successful treatment outcome.

iMediSync is also working on developing new technologies to treat these diseases and disorders with EEG neuromodulation.

How does iMediSync work?

The iMediSync product uses functional MRIs, which are scans of the brain that show changes in blood flow, to detect abnormalities. This can help doctors diagnose Alzheimer's disease earlier than ever before by pinpointing what areas of the brain are affected. The system works seamlessly with your existing MRI equipment at any hospital or clinic so that you don't have to worry about compatibility issues - just plug it in and go!

The iMediSync platform has many benefits over other methods such as PET scans because they provide more information than a simple image might tell us. The platform can detect changes in blood flow, oxygen metabolism, and other important biomarkers. This helps to paint a more complete picture of what is happening in the brain and allows for earlier diagnosis and treatment.

The device Dr. Seung Wan Kang is wearing is the iSyncWave. This one size fits all device successfully conducts an EEG on the individual. The results can be sent to a doctor for review. The headset was also designed with iMediSync's iSyncBrain/Heart software platform. iSyncBrain "is a cloud AI-guided analytics system for EEG/HRV biosignals." As for iSyncHeart, this is described as an "HRV (heart rate variability)-based machine learning biomarker report for depression/anxiety detection and stress profiling."

What does this mean for you?

If you're at risk for Alzheimer's or any other form of dementia, iMediSync offers an easy way to detect it early on. You can also use it to maintain your brain health and prevent these diseases from developing in the first place. With its 90%+ accuracy rate, it is one of the most reliable tools available for early detection of these mental disorders. iMediSync offers free tests for those who are interested in learning more about their own brain health and wellness.


If you'd like to learn more about iMediSync, visit the company's website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology.

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Scott Ertz


Scott is a developer who has worked on projects of varying sizes, including all of the PLUGHITZ Corporation properties. He is also known in the gaming world for his time supporting the rhythm game community, through DDRLover and hosting tournaments throughout the Tampa Bay Area. Currently, when he is not working on software projects or hosting F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, Scott can often be found returning to his high school days working with the Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), mentoring teams and helping with ROBOTICON Tampa Bay. He has also helped found a student software learning group, the ASCII Warriors, currently housed at AMRoC Fab Lab.

Christian Hernandez

Episode Author

Christian Hernandez graduated from Iowa State with a degree in Software Engineering. He has had experience working on firmware for SSDs for Intel. Soon, he will be an Associate Software Engineer for Lockheed Martin. Christian enjoys running, the gym, and spending time with his family during his free time.


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Erin Hurst (00:07)

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Scott Ertz (00:28)

But we have our next guest here in the studio and ready to go. Hello.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (00:36)


Scott Ertz (00:37)

How are you doing today?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (00:39)

Good. Very nice.

Scott Ertz (00:40)

Go ahead and introduce yourself for me.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (00:44)

My name is Seung Kang, I'm Korean and I'm a founder and CEO of iMediSync. The AI-driven medical mental healthcare platform company.

Scott Ertz (00:58)

Okay, so okay, obviously the visual that I have is a little crazy. So let's address this, what have we got going on here?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (01:11)

Yes, so I hopped into this, my innovative technology with this AI-driven brain scanner, seamless interconnected to our cloud-based EEG analyzing systems.

Scott Ertz (01:28)

Okay, so it's brain-scanning technology. That is connected with AI and the cloud, I've got to know. What is, what is this for? Because it's fascinating.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (01:45)

Yes. So uh, so many people are suffering from mental problems such as depression, addictions, some cognitive impairment, especially during the COVID 19 pandemic. So, the brain scan, it's very hard to be executed by some ordinary persons. So I have developed the easy, easy to use wearable and portable, some quick assessment, EEG-based brain scanner also with some NIR-LED photo stimulator at the center of each electrode. So this device is not just for the brain scan but the brain scan-based photo stimulating therapeutic device.

Scott Ertz (02:35)

Okay. Just, just want to make sure that I understand what it is we're talking about.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (02:41)


Scott Ertz (02:41)

We have got a brain-scanning helmet. It looks like a bike helmet. Right?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (02:47)


Scott Ertz (02:47)

It's a brain-scanning helmet that is designed to help you figure out a-

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (02:55)

Brain map.

Scott Ertz (02:57)

Is it neurological issues? Is it psychological issues? What are we talking about here?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (03:03)

Yes. So also then? Yeah, psychological issues such as depression or addiction, or some infamous disease or Parkinson's. So, this kind of neurological problem also happens in the brain. So we, this device can scan the brain’s function now of abnormalities and are mapped which lessen work well, or some of the other lesion, and doesn't work well, compared to the age- and sex-differentiated normative standard database. So we can map the individual's brain and assume some psychological or neurological problems underlying the brain functional mapping result.

Scott Ertz (03:59)

Okay, that's interesting. Thank you. Okay. So that's, that's the aspect of it. That is the scanning side. Now, let's talk about the treatment side.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (04:13)

Yeah. So are you familiar with phototherapy? Maybe not. So recently, not a lot? Yes. So recently many scientists have researched and studied about some NIR-LED stimulation. So some frequency band wave LEDs can penetrate the scalp and skull and touch the brain cell itself. And then so, when the mitochondria in a brain cell, get a NIR-LED stimulation. They can generate more energy ATP, then they can regenerate and heal themselves. Getting the NIR-LED photostimulation. So with this mechanism, how our device could heal the brain cell and read or support the regeneration of impaired neuronal cells.

Scott Ertz (05:26)

Okay, so, so where did this product come from? How did you get involved in working on this?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (05:34)

Yeah, so I have worked at the university. Seoul National University Data Center for Korean EEG for more than 15 years. And so I, at first, I developed the age- and sex-differentiated standardized normative database word first and then I founded my company iMediSync startup company. And our research team developed this helmet working for brain mapping and also LED-based photostimulations. So, yeah, okay.

Scott Ertz (06:19)

Okay, so you have a big background in this area yourself?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (06:24)


Scott Ertz (06:25)


Dr. Seung Wan Kang (06:26)

I am an MD and PhD specialized in Integrative Neuroscience and Pain Management.

Scott Ertz (06:34)

Okay, pain management. That's, that's a real specialty and one that I think more doctors should be familiar with proper pain management because it is oftentimes dealt with wrong.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (06:48)

Yeah, so many chronic pain problems originated from the brain itself, but there's no solution to assess the functional abnormality of the brain. So this is my motivation, why I started developing this device and technology.

Scott Ertz (07:08)

Gotcha. That makes sense to me. I can see how those connections all come together into this product. How far into this are you? Is this like a prototype? Are you close to release? Are you on the market? Where is this product?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (07:24)

Yeah, this device recently got FCC. The electrical device mark for the US market. Okay, this is not the prototype, the completed one.

Scott Ertz (07:37)

Okay. And, and are you, are you ready for the market? Are you still going through all the regulatory stuff? Are you required to go through the FDA?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (07:50)

Yeah, now in Korea, this device is approved by medical device by Korean authorities.

Scott Ertz (07:57)


Dr. Seung Wan Kang (07:57)

And also get FCC for electrical device mark for the US and about FDA. It's under review. And yeah, pending FDA.

Scott Ertz (08:11)

Okay. So you're really far along? It's on the market in Korea already and you're working with the FDA here?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (08:23)

Correct. So we already submitted, yeah, all the technical documents for the FDA and it started the review.

Scott Ertz (08:31)

Okay. And is this, is this the second country you're looking to launch in, or are you available elsewhere?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (08:39)

Oh, yes. So many EEG-based experts for psychological problems and neurological problems, so yeah, reach out to me. And so we have already introduced our device. And individually, they ordered the device directly from us. So now we are open to selling and global business. And also the US is my second target market.

Scott Ertz (09:08)


Dr. Seung Wan Kang (09:09)

Because so many Americans are suffering from some psychological problem.

Scott Ertz (09:15)

Yeah. Especially after the last few years, right. So many people have been-

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (09:21)


Scott Ertz (09:21)

Emotionally affected and emotional affection effects can also manifest physically.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (09:27)

Yes, Corona Blue.

Scott Ertz (09:30)

Yeah, okay. Yeah. That's a good name.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (09:35)

Yeah. Pardon.

Scott Ertz (09:36)

That's a good name for it.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (09:38)

Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So recently, I realized there's so many children and adolescents exposed to some street drugs for some prescribed opioid problems. Yeah, so I hope this device could work for some prevention of drug addiction.

Scott Ertz (10:01)

Okay, yeah, that's a great point. Because, you know, there's been this global issue, but particularly in the west with, with opioid issues, you know, high addictions. At this point, almost everybody in the West can say that they know somebody or had been personally affected by that particular epidemic.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (10:23)


Scott Ertz (10:24)

Okay. So since you're going through the FDA, once it's here, is this something that's going to come through a doctor's office where we have to have a prescription? Is this something that you could buy online? How is that going to work?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (10:42)

Yeah, so just in the conventional medical system, just an EEG device, it should be prescribed just by doctor's order.

Scott Ertz (10:53)


Dr. Seung Wan Kang (10:54)

Um, yeah, but so this technique, I hope to expand this brain scanning device for functionality and photostimulation could be set at the community center for some addiction rehabilitation, or some school system, or some drugstore, and to be easily easily accessed by ordinary persons. Some, yeah, medical costs, it's very expensive but this technology and device I try to make and sell as cheaper as possible.

Scott Ertz (11:36)


Dr. Seung Wan Kang (11:36)

Well, and yeah, so many ordinary people can easily access this service.

Scott Ertz (11:43)

Very, very nice. So this is a, this is a product that I could own once it's on the market, obviously.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (11:53)


Scott Ertz (11:54)

That I could own and have in my possession is not something I have to go into a doctor's office and have the treatments done there. It's something that I can do in the privacy of my own home.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (12:04)

Yes. In the, in the, in the near future. I hope to expand these services, some home-based remote, telemental health care services.

Scott Ertz (12:15)

Okay. Gotcha. And what kind of price are we looking at on something like this?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (12:23)

So, this time for the launching event. So we are open to the prices. Yeah $160,000 per one unit.

Scott Ertz (12:41)

Okay. That's a big investment.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (12:45)

Yeah. Yeah. So, this now, this target customer is for researchers with doctors or clinical psychologists, not just for the individual home users. But maybe yeah, I can integrate their subscription based service model, integrating this device and analyzing services. So I hope to launch more affordable prices and service fees for individual customers.

Scott Ertz (13:20)

Okay. So like a leasing type option?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (13:24)

Yeah, yes.

Scott Ertz (13:25)

Okay. That's pretty cool. And do you intend on working with, with insurance and Medicare and Medicaid and things like that?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (13:35)

Yes. So I tried to reach out to some insurance companies such as Aetna and Kaiser to be covered by some preventive services and cost down for future disorders. So if Yeah, some insurance company could cover the reimbursements part, then yeah, it's very good.

Scott Ertz (14:02)

That's fantastic. I really, I really appreciate you coming on and talking about this because while technically a specialized product, it's something that can help with an issue that is widely known and that's the opioid epidemic. So I really appreciate you coming on and talking about this. If people want to find out more about the product and the process that you're going through with the FDA, how can they do that?

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (14:36)

Just please visit our websites or some LinkedIn or Facebook.

Scott Ertz (14:45)

Fantastic. Well, thank you again so much. This is a fascinating product. I'll tell you when you first showed up with the helmet, I'm like, Okay, this is gonna be an interesting conversation. I don't know why this is definitely gonna be interesting.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (15:01)

Yeah, I really enjoyed this conversation too.

Scott Ertz (15:04)

I did as well. Thank you so much. Enjoy the rest of CES.

Dr. Seung Wan Kang (15:08)

Yeah, thank you.

Erin Hurst (15:12)

TPN CES 2022 coverage is executive produced by Michele Mendez. Technical Directors are Kurt Corless and Adam Barker. Associate producers are Nancy Ertz and Maurice McCoy. Interviews are edited by Jo Mini. Hosts are Marlo Anderson, Todd Cochrane, Scott Ertz, Christopher Jordan, Daniele Mendez, and Allante Sparks. Las Vegas studio provided by HC Productions. Remote studio provided by PLUGHITZ Productions. This has been Tech Podcasts Network Production, copyright 2022.

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