Lazy Moose wants to make NFTs accessible for fundraising @ CES 2022 - Show Notes

Lazy Moose wants to make NFTs accessible for fundraising @ CES 2022

Sunday Jan 23, 2022 (00:11:20)


School fundraising needs to evolve along with the times and can also be a fantastic educational opportunity on crypto. Not only do a lot of options available take large fees but aren't available in the global market. Lazy Moose is the future of NFT school fundraising and educational opportunities.

What are NFTs?

NFTs or Non-Fungible Tokens are a form of non-interchangeable data stored on the blockchain. This differs from Bitcoin in that each token is uniquely identifiable. NFT data may be associated with a variety of file types including video, images, audio, and hyperlinks. NFTs claim to offer a public ledger, but this claim has not been legally verified. NFTs do not restrict the sharing of the underlying content and cannot prevent the creation of another NFT with identical content.

NFTs have the potential to revolutionize how we interact with digital content. For example, imagine being able to own a piece of digital art that is unique and cannot be replicated. NFTs could also be used to create online marketplaces for digital assets, similar to eBay or Amazon. It is important to note that NFTs are still in their early stages and there are a number of challenges that need to be addressed before they can be widely adopted. For example, NFTs do not currently have a built-in mechanism for verification and authentication. This means that it is possible for someone to create a fake NFT and pass it off as the real thing.

What is Lazy Moose?

Lazy Moose seeks to connect schools with artists and developers in order to mint NFTs for fundraising or educational purposes. This collaborative effort can allow for a wide variety of projects, ranging from the development and minting of NFTs directly by students, or working with Lazy Moose to create an NFT for fundraising purposes. Lazy Moose is still actively developing relationships with artists, developers, athletics programs, and companies.

Imagine that you're a teacher in charge of a high school robotics team. A season can be incredibly expensive, but fundraising can be a real challenge. Printing collectible items is expensive and time-consuming, but fans might actually want something to remember the season by. This is where Lazy Moose can come in. Rather than creating physical collectibles, you could instead mint NFTs to sell to fans, family, and booster clubs.

For example, if your team wins an award at a competition, you could mint NFTs representing the award itself. Then, those who are supportive could purchase that NFT to remember the season by. With Twitter's new NFT integration for profile pictures, students could even set it as their profile picture in a hexagon, indicating that it's real. This gives students and mentors the ability to support the team while also showing that support off online, hopefully bringing in additional supporters.


Lazy Moose is a startup that, like its namesake chordate mammal is burdened with a noble purpose. Bringing crypto-education and fundraising to people around the world. To learn more about Lazy Moose please visit the company's website.

Interview by Marlo Anderson of The Tech Ranch.

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Adam Ertz

Episode Author

Adam joined PLuGHiTz Corporation since shortly after its inception and stayed for many years. His work on the DDRLover and CounterQuest teams has been mostly providing valuable insight into the gaming community's thoughts and direction. Adam is most known for his time on the Professional Counter-Strike Scene with teams like, Echo 7, Pandemic, Team x3, and PerdoX. He was also a well known World Of Warcraft PvP Icon and Raider, and a founding member of the well known guild All That Remains.


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Erin Hurst (00:07)

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Marlo Anderson (00:21)

Lazy Moose NFTs. Now, I am looking forward to this conversation, Musa.

Musa Hakim Jr. (00:29)

Musa. Yeah.

Marlo Anderson (00:29)

All right, great to have you on the show.

Musa Hakim Jr. (00:31)

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Marlo Anderson (00:32)

And I think a lot of people are like scratching their heads about NFTs.

Musa Hakim Jr. (00:41)

Yes, yes.

Marlo Anderson (00:42)

So before we get into Lazy Moose, can you give just like a, you know, 30 second One minute snapshot of what an NFT actually is?

Musa Hakim Jr. (00:52)

Okay, so I was just listening to Erick Calderon's speech,

Marlo Anderson (00:54)


Musa Hakim Jr. (00:55)

He was really big in NFT space. And he kind of said, the word NFT is kind of, it's confusing people a lot. So don't think about it necessarily as the functional definition of an NFC, think about what an NFC represents, it's a digital file that represents some kind of digital asset or a conversation has somebody recently keepsake. So if you simplify it, or you think about it, that way, it becomes a lot easier to understand. And this is just a file with a digital representation that you own that particular file.

Marlo Anderson (01:23)


Musa Hakim Jr. (01:23)

So it can be a JPEG, PNG, mp3, mp4, and then within that file is what makes it unique.

Marlo Anderson (01:29)

Okay. So I think what people get kind of sideways about a little bit so I could, you know, this is Chris over here, by the way. So I could make a, I could draw a stick figure of Chris, and actually sell that as an NFT.

Musa Hakim Jr. (01:45)

Right. So and I think so this is where the Lazy Moose comes in.

Marlo Anderson (01:49)


Musa Hakim Jr. (01:50)

So I think the big issue with NFTs fundamentally is that people want to get into the space. But the space because it's so early, it's very difficult to get into with anything, So although a lot of people, if you're in NFTs right now, you're listening to this, you're interested, you're still early, you're still very early in the process. And in turn, by you being early, you have to deal with a lot of the growing pains. So as an artist trying to get into an NFT space, it's easier now than it would be potentially five to 10 years from now, but it'll still be a matter of people have to notice you. People have to understand, you know, what your NFTs are. And you have to make sure you're marketing your NFTs, to either people in your immediate community or your followers or individuals who are already in the NFT space. And I think that's where it gets tricky. And that's where we're kind of coming in to create that process a lot easier for artists, musicians, athletes, things like that.

Marlo Anderson (02:01)

Yes, so I have a product. And I do, by the way, you and I should probably talk out about this.

Musa Hakim Jr. (02:49)


Marlo Anderson (02:50)

But you would actually provide a direction for me as to how to capitalize on the NFT movement.

Musa Hakim Jr. (02:58)

Right. So a little bit of background on myself, I'm originally from Cleveland, Ohio, born and raised. I went from I went to break through public schools, a Cleveland Network of Public Schools in Cleveland. And then I went out to Cate School, a boarding school in Southern California. Then I went to Case Western, where I just graduated Degree in Material Science and Engineering. All of that was a function of my hard work and people helping me along the way to kind of guide me along that road map.

Marlo Anderson (03:22)

Right. Right.

Musa Hakim Jr. (03:23)

So I kind of think about it as "When you're coming into the NFT space, Who welcomes you into the doors, it's huge?" And it's like that for a lot of things. You know, whether it be the business world, if you're a chef, podcast, things like that. You really need to have someone to really teach you the aspects that make it either easy or difficult. And I think that's the best part about what we're trying to do is really educate people. Educate. Welcome people to the space, welcome them to the community. It's very confusing, you know when I had a lot of friends who would surf and they blog. You just got to do it, you got to get into the water, paddle, you're gonna fall. You're not going to but you have to really understand and having somebody there to give you that insight information is tremendous. So that's what we're really trying to do and find subtle ways you know, finding what types of NFTs you know. What aspects do you have, this word utility gets thrown around a lot. What does that mean? You know, finding utilities that suit your community things like that.

Marlo Anderson (04:20)

Interesting. Interesting. So how does a person go about you know, if they were gonna, let's say they're an artist, and they want to get started with you and going forward with building out an NFT. How does that process work?

Musa Hakim Jr. (04:35)

So right now we're still, I was talking about earlier we're planting seeds in a bunch of different places. So right now the first tree that we would like to grow is getting our NFT released.

Marlo Anderson (04:45)


Musa Hakim Jr. (04:46)

So what we're looking to do is find either upcoming or established artists obviously the established artists do a tremendous amount to help up upcoming artists to come in and you know, interact with us on social media, interact with our Discord. To really grow our community, that's the first thing we're trying to do with our community. Because the community will ultimately dictate, you know, our utilities, what our NFCs, you know, what we're bringing to the NFT community. So you know, finding ways to interact with us either on social media, my social media accounts going to be shared so that people can interact with us to learn about the space, and find what particular area that they're doing. If you're a music, you know, you should be releasing NFTs that represent your, your album, whatever album you're releasing, or whatever unreleased songs you're releasing, so that your community can buy into that. They're literally investing in you, that's what's really unique about NFT. If there was an NFT, of me, you know, in 2007, NFT will be worth a lot. Because I've been able to, you know, have the people who've invested time, and to me, I've been able to work to invest that time back in value to other people. And this is very unique in the sense that you know, you can invest in an Amazon or an Apple, you can't really invest in like a person or an idea or thing until now.

Marlo Anderson (04:58)


Musa Hakim Jr. (05:00)

That's really what you're able to do if I believe that this guy is the next, Drake, the next Kanye West. I can invest in it, NFT, and that first album, and we have that connection, you know. Now I have that connection to that person, you know, I was there when it started, you have this digital thing that certifies that. I think it'd be really huge in our industry as well photography as well. I think photography has given photographers the opportunity to really take advantage of the fact that they're capturing some of the most beautiful moments, and I think technology associated with that as well, will be something interesting on the back end that we're also cooking up.

Marlo Anderson (06:27)

So on an investment level, you know, can I'm assumed that people put money in this as I mean, first of all, it's maybe to support the person.

Musa Hakim Jr. (06:34)


Marlo Anderson (06:35)

Right? But I would imagine that the bigger money is probably on the investment side. Right. So you're basically not unlike a stock or anything else. You're actually buying an NFT with somebody's first album or whatever because you believe that this person is gonna go to another level sometime in the future, and you will be able to capitalize on that as well.

Musa Hakim Jr. (06:58)

Right. And it's like, when you invest in a company, like when I buy an option for Amazon, I'm not really doing anything, I'm buying it and kind of sitting at home, and you have access to the resources to kind of provide that investment with it a boost. And that's really where it's unlocked. And even if it's a matter of, if you're interested in investing and Lazy Moose, or any NFT project and you're kind of unsure about the volatility of space. First of all, you should really dive in. I think really just diving in and accepting the fact that it's crazy, you know, people who didn't adopt the internet, not looking too good right now, right now.

Marlo Anderson (07:34)


Musa Hakim Jr. (07:34)

Um, but I think secondly, there are ways to help people that aren't financial. You know, publicizing to your network to "Hey, I got this kid, he, he runs a fortune, he's the best, you know, linebacker, and, you know, some random play in Wadsworth, Ohio," or something like that, you know, give this kid a chance. You know, maybe somebody, maybe it's not that money, but maybe it's providing the resources in the community for that individual to grow. I think finding people who come along, if you're doing the work, someone's gonna notice. I told my dad recently, my dad is also involved in a project. And I told him, you fake it until you make it right. But if you don't make it, and it doesn't matter, and I think for everybody around you, that's also true, you know, people are going to feed into you what they see you given out. So I think that, whether it be monetary, or this is my favorite part about it socially helping people network. A lot of people don't have access to a broad enough network to really see their ideas grow.

Marlo Anderson (08:00)

I See It really reminds me, I'm fascinated with Billie Eilish, by the way, I think that you know, what her and her brother have done is outstanding. I don't know if you're a fan of Billie Eilish or not, but

Musa Hakim Jr. (08:40)

Billie Eilish is cool.

Marlo Anderson (08:41)

Yeah. You know, it's just crazy that she and her brother could record that music in her bedroom over a period of a couple of years. And launch it without any help from any record company, or whatever, and turning into one of the world's most popular stars in such a short period of time, is absolutely astounding when you really think about it, right. But it's talent.

Musa Hakim Jr. (09:03)

Yeah, yeah. Right.

Marlo Anderson (09:03)

Right? And so, this is kind of one of these spaces, right? I mean, you know, somebody like their mom believed in them. And that could have been turned into some type of NFT that then, you know, because the people in her community that believed in those two, you know, that could turn into something spectacular. And so yeah, I find that very fascinating. It really takes away the power of a couple of individuals to determine what music you and I are going to listen to? What movies we're going to listen to? What photographs we're going to look at online? Or whatever is right, you know. It actually puts more and more power back to the individuals across our world, you know, so it's very interesting.

Musa Hakim Jr. (09:49)

Thank you. Thank you.

Marlo Anderson (09:49)

And the fact that you can invest in that is interesting, too. So, alright, so how do we find out more about you?

Musa Hakim Jr. (09:55)

I would say, follow me on my social media accounts @wisemoses23.

Marlo Anderson (09:59)


Musa Hakim Jr. (10:00)

My name in English, Musa Hakim, translates to Wisemoses.

Marlo Anderson (10:02)

Okay, okay.

Musa Hakim Jr. (10:03)

Lofty expectations there. And you look out for us through my social media you can find the lazymoose_nfts. All of our social media accounts Instagram Twitter, Tik Tok is all lazymoose_nfts and through those channels, you can find access to information, whether it be my personal thoughts on a lot of areas we're going to be going into the lazy moose project as we build and also access to our Discord, Discord, Discord, Discord, that'll be one of our biggest tools as well as Twitter spaces.

Marlo Anderson (10:31)


Musa Hakim Jr. (10:31)

Eventually, we'll be holding Twitter spaces where people can get information based on a project centered around that as well.

Marlo Anderson (10:37)

I look forward to our next conversation.

Musa Hakim Jr. (10:38)

Thank you. I appreciate it.

Marlo Anderson (10:39)

All right, you take care. Have a great CES.

Erin Hurst (10:43)

TPN CES 2022 coverage is executive produced by Michele Mendez. Technical Directors are Kurt Corless and Adam Barker. Associate producers are Nancy Ertz and Maurice McCoy. Interviews are edited by Jo Mini. Hosts are Marlo Anderson, Todd Cochrane, Scott Ertz, Christopher Jordan, Daniele Mendez, and Allante Sparks. Las Vegas studio provided by HC Productions. Remote studio provided by PLUGHITZ Productions. This has been Tech Podcasts Network Production, copyright 2022.

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