Invoxia Smart Dog Collar: Get smarter about your dog's health @ CES 2022 - Show Notes

Invoxia Smart Dog Collar: Get smarter about your dog's health @ CES 2022

Saturday Jan 22, 2022 (00:09:28)


Do you worry about your dog's health? You should be because heart conditions in dogs are more common than you think. However, with the Invoxia Smart Dog Collar, you can monitor your dog's heart and respiratory rate with medical accuracy. This collar also tracks your dog's activity levels and daily routine, so you can share this data with your veterinarian. By establishing a diagnostic baseline, you can keep tabs on your dog's health and prevent any serious problems from developing.

Who is Invoxia?

Invoxia is a French company that specializes in the development of innovative telephony solutions. In addition to their Smart Dog Collar, they also make a large collection of other GPS-enabled products for business and industrial purposes. With products like these, it's no wonder that Invoxia has been awarded seven CES Innovation Awards!

What is the Smart Dog Collar?

The Smart Dog Collar is a device that monitors your dog's heart and respiratory rate, tracks their activity levels and daily routine, and sends all this data to the cloud. Once this data is available, it can be used to track activity and behavioral changes, and even location, all from a convenient mobile app. You can even share the data with your veterinarian.

Combining GPS tracking with biometric data, the collar is able to monitor your dog wherever they are. On a normal day, it tracks movement, behavior, heart conditions, and even pulse. This can give you a better idea of what is going on with your dog, and whether or not something has changed in their daily routine. Big changes in things like sleep patterns or respiratory rate can indicate that something bigger is going on, giving you an early warning sign.

Not only is the collar good for heath reporting, but it's also good for general safety, as well. On an unusual day, let's say your dog gets out of the yard and disappears. The active tracking GPS built into the collar will give you the ability to find where they have gone and hopefully get them back.

Who is the Smart Dog Collar for?

The Smart Dog Collar is for anyone who loves their dog and wants to keep them healthy. This collar is perfect for dogs who are at risk or already suffer from heart conditions, as it provides accurate medical information that can help with diagnosis and treatment. The collar is also a great way to keep tabs on your dog's health and prevent any serious problems from developing.

How does the Smart Dog Collar work?

The Smart Dog Collar works by monitoring your dog's heart and respiratory rate, tracking their activity levels and daily routine, and sending all this data to your veterinarian. This collar is perfect for dogs who are at risk or already suffer from heart conditions, as it provides accurate medical information that can help with diagnosis and treatment. The Smart Dog Collar is also a great way to keep tabs on your dog's health and prevent any serious problems from developing.


The Smart Dog Collar is expected to launch in Summer 2022. To learn more about the company, the product, and to be notified when it becomes available, head over to the company's website.

Interview by Marlo Anderson of The Tech Ranch.

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Scott Ertz

Episode Author

Scott is a developer who has worked on projects of varying sizes, including all of the PLUGHITZ Corporation properties. He is also known in the gaming world for his time supporting the rhythm game community, through DDRLover and hosting tournaments throughout the Tampa Bay Area. Currently, when he is not working on software projects or hosting F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, Scott can often be found returning to his high school days working with the Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), mentoring teams and helping with ROBOTICON Tampa Bay. He has also helped found a student software learning group, the ASCII Warriors, currently housed at AMRoC Fab Lab.


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Erin Hurst (00:07)

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Marlo Anderson (00:27)

Next up Invoxia. Invoxia, David Erhun, Erhun. Alright, nice to meet you, David.

David Erhun (00:34)


Marlo Anderson (00:35)

Ah, so again here. I can't see with my glasses on because they fog up, right. So, there we go. Like maybe I can hold them all like this. So we're tracking vehicles?

David Erhun (00:48)

Not quite in this case.

Marlo Anderson (00:48)


David Erhun (00:49)

No, no.

Marlo Anderson (00:49)

I just seen those two words when I put my glasses up.

David Erhun (00:51)

You're on the right track.

Marlo Anderson (00:53)

So tell me what Invoxia is.

David Erhun (00:54)

So Invoxia is a French company. We've been around for about 10 years now. We specialize in microelectronics sensor technology and AI. And we've been working in GPS trackers for about the last four or five years now.

Marlo Anderson (01:02)

Okay, Oh, Okay.

David Erhun (01:08)

And we're the best-selling GPS tracker in Europe. And we've got a couple of products here in the US already. And today we're introducing our advanced biometric monitoring collar for dogs. So this is the smart dog collar.

Marlo Anderson (01:22)

Right here.

David Erhun (01:22)

Right here. Yeah.

Marlo Anderson (01:23)

Oh my goodness.

David Erhun (01:24)

And so this allows you to monitor your heart and respiratory rate of your dog as well as its activity and sleep, and GPS position. So do you have a dog?

Marlo Anderson (01:34)

I do not. And I wouldn't mind having one. I don't mean to get you the whole story but I travel 200 days a year. So it's tough for me to have a pet.

David Erhun (01:39)

Definitely tough to have a pet. Definitely. Oh Yeah.

Marlo Anderson (01:43)

But I can, I know a lot of pet owners, and the ability to actually know where they're at is great peace of mind.

David Erhun (01:51)

It is indeed. Yes, exactly. So we've been, we've had a pet tracker, location tracker on the market since 2018.

Marlo Anderson (01:58)


David Erhun (01:59)

And throughout the last five years, we've collected 10s of millions of days of dogs pet activity and kind of been able to work with that data and analyze it and figure out how to improve our products. And we've gone to the next level with this not just knowing where your dog is, but also knowing how your dog is doing. And really looking after their well-being.

Marlo Anderson (02:18)


David Erhun (02:18)

About one in every five dogs actually suffer from cardiac issues, which is astounding. I mean,

Marlo Anderson (02:23)


David Erhun (02:24)

In the US, that's about 20 million dogs.

Marlo Anderson (02:27)

I didn't realize this, and this actually will point that out and allows your vet, for example, to make a proper diagnosis.

David Erhun (02:36)

Exactly. Yeah. So it will alert you as the pet owner, whether or not there's something wrong with your dog. Whether it's maybe it's not eating, maybe it's scratching a lot, and then it has fleas, or its respiratory or heart rate is unusual, abnormal. And if it detects these sorts of things, it'll let you know. And then you can take your dog to the vet and get treatment. And right now, we don't really do that with our dogs, right until we see them hiding under the sofa

Marlo Anderson (02:59)


David Erhun (03:01)

For hours or days at the time and-

Marlo Anderson (03:03)


David Erhun (03:03)

Like something's wrong. Now, this is giving you a new window into a dog's health and providing an opportunity for you to actually take care of them to the best ability, the best of your ability. And it's really revolutionary in that sense.

Marlo Anderson (03:16)

So I'm assuming that the collar talks to your smart device.

David Erhun (03:20)

It does.

Marlo Anderson (03:20)


David Erhun (03:20)

Absolutely. And so via the companion app, you're able to consult, but the heart and respiratory rate of your dog, you can get a sense of where they are by the companion app. And you also have various information about their daily habits. So are they eating a lot? Sleeping a lot? Various metrics about what the hell they're doing?

Marlo Anderson (03:38)

Yeah. And if your pet does go missing, how does the tracking feature work?

David Erhun (03:43)

So the tracking feature works in real-time. As it'll work anywhere across the United States. And when we release it, it will also work in Europe. It allows you to locate your dog down to a couple of yards basically, via the companion app. You'll have a location for your job to see where they've been and where they are currently. You can also set alerts like virtual fences. So if your dog runs out of your backyard, you'll say, Okay, your dogs gone, you should probably check on that.

Marlo Anderson (04:09)

Yes. Yes.

David Erhun (04:10)

And that sort of functionality is something really think is essential in any connected collar.

Marlo Anderson (04:15)

So I know that you know, once you break the Bluetooth barrier, you know, then it's not free to connect to a cell phone tower or what have you. So I'm assuming there's some type of subscription.

David Erhun (04:27)

You are, right? Yes.

Marlo Anderson (04:28)

Okay, so how does that work?

David Erhun (04:29)

So the collar will be available this summer for about $99 and there will be a subscription it's about $13 a month.

Marlo Anderson (04:36)


David Erhun (04:36)

Which is relatively reasonable. I mean, the GPS trackers on the market which don't do anything nearly like this are often 20 or more dollars per month. So it's quite a significant investment.

Marlo Anderson (04:45)

That actually. Well, you have to think about what it costs for your cell phone.

David Erhun (04:49)

Exactly, yeah.

Marlo Anderson (04:50)

You know, and it's basically the same technology.

David Erhun (04:53)

It is, absolutely.

Marlo Anderson (04:54)

You know. You're not using it to talk to people or what have you, but there has to be a way for those cell phone towers to subtract something and there's a cost involved.

David Erhun (05:01)

There is a cost involved. We're very proud of being able to make that cost affordable.

Marlo Anderson (05:06)

That's pretty affordable

David Erhun (05:07)

And of the range of GPS trackers, we really, make sure to include the subscription with the purchase of the tracker. And we also offer some of the most affordable tracking solutions on the market today. And this is also going to be much the case. So this is the first time it's been possible to get such a 360 degree view of your dog's well-being. And we really think that is going to revolutionize the way we think about caring for pets, and we're able to bring our pets to vets with more information about their well-being and get them the treatment that they need in a very personalized fashion.

Marlo Anderson (05:41)

I think it's interesting that you've incorporated more than just a tracker in this. You know, you're talking about your dog's health. You know, it's, I don't mean to make this comparison lightly, I guess. But, you know, back in the day when we had an inkjet printer, and then they added a fax machine to it, and then they added a scanner to it, you know, and it became a multifunctional device.

David Erhun (06:03)


Marlo Anderson (06:03)

Instead of having 14 things on there. I can't imagine a dog would be very happy having 14 different, you know, devices on the dog trying to figure out what's going on. Right. So this makes that pretty, you know, okay, for the dogs.

David Erhun (06:18)


Marlo Anderson (06:18)

Dogs used to wear a collar already.

David Erhun (06:20)

Absolutely, absolutely. So it's really designed to be most comfortable for the dogs. And it's not heavy. It's easy to handle. If it gets dirty, you can wash it. It's waterproof. And so really features everything you need for a comfortable dog collar. It also doesn't have to be cinched really tightly around the neck. You're strangling your dog more loosely. Like, any other dog collar.

Marlo Anderson (06:41)

Right, right. So what about updates in the future? You know, is there a firmware in here that you can update with occasionally? So how does that work?

David Erhun (06:47)

Yeah, there is exactly. And so this is something we're really proud of as well, we're always adding new features to our products. And this is made possible by the technology to be used within the trackers, tracking products themselves, including collars here. And as time goes on, of course, we'll be learning about new behaviors and new illnesses and new biomarkers, and be able to improve our monitoring technology. And we'll be adding corporate new alerts, say for new diseases or detect new and different behaviors in your dog. And so as time goes on, of course, the collar will continue to improve.

Marlo Anderson (07:20)

Okay. And because I'm not a dog owner, is there anything I've missed? Anything that you can think of that we should talk about yet?

David Erhun (07:26)

Yeah, I think we've covered kind of the essential specify. One thing which will be important is that it's really designed for medium to large dogs at this time. So it will fit dogs probably for about 17 pounds and up.

Marlo Anderson (07:26)


David Erhun (07:37)

Not your small Chihuahua.

Marlo Anderson (07:39)


David Erhun (07:39)

But anything else will be a very good fit.

Marlo Anderson (07:42)

Are you planning for something for smaller dogs in the future?

David Erhun (07:45)

Of course, our goal.

Marlo Anderson (07:46)


David Erhun (07:46)

Is to cover a much wider range of pets, including cats, hopefully, one time in the future. I'm a cat owner.

Marlo Anderson (07:52)

Is it simply because there's a lot of technology in the collars after getting smaller?

David Erhun (07:57)

It's actually a lot of technology in the collar. And we're kind of racing against where the sensor technology is at. It's gotten miniaturized to a certain point, once it continues to be miniaturized will of course incorporate it into our products and go further.

Marlo Anderson (08:10)

Yep. Very cool. All right, David, it's been a pleasure. Good luck to you with your product.

David Erhun (08:14)

Thank you very much!

Marlo Anderson (08:15)

This is very exciting, especially for all the medium and large dogs across the country and their pet owners.

David Erhun (08:19)


Marlo Anderson (08:20)

Right. So, David, appreciate it.

David Erhun (08:21)

Thank you very much.

Marlo Anderson (08:22)

And go check it out, everybody. Invoxia. Oh, yeah, website, give me your website.

David Erhun (08:27) It's fairly straightforward.

Marlo Anderson (08:29)

And you're able to get your product on your website. Is it available anywhere else?

David Erhun (08:33)

Our products are available mostly via our website or via Amazon. This smart dog collar will be available this summer for $99.

Marlo Anderson (08:40)

Okay, very good. Go check them out, everybody. and based out of France as a matter of fact. So that's very, very cool too. So

Erin Hurst (08:51)

TPN CES 2022 coverage is executive produced by Michele Mendez. Technical Directors are Kurt Corless and Adam Barker. Associate producers are Nancy Ertz and Maurice McCoy. Interviews are edited by Jo Mini. Hosts are Marlo Anderson, Todd Cochrane, Scott Ertz, Christopher Jordan, Daniele Mendez, and Allante Sparks. Las Vegas studio provided by HC Productions. Remote studio provided by PLUGHITZ Productions. This has been Tech Podcasts Network Production, copyright 2022.

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