FaceMe from CyberLink helps create custom IoT experiences @ CES 2020 - Show Notes

FaceMe from CyberLink helps create custom IoT experiences @ CES 2020

Sunday Mar 1, 2020 (00:09:44)


Sometimes CES introduces us to a new aspect of a company that we think we know well. A great example of that at this show was CyberLink. If you have ever used a Windows computer, which of course you have, you've used the company's technology. They are responsible for much of the computer's video capabilities, from DVD playback to online streaming. But, this year, the company is showing off FaceMe, an AI platform for facial recognition.

Now, this type of facial recognition isn't like what has been in the news lately. FaceMe is a closed-loop system designed to allow companies to offer you customizations on Internet of Things products. For example, maybe a company that makes a home medication dispensing product could use the system to pick out the different members of the family and dispense the correct medication, without the person having to identify themselves. This would make using the device easier for older people who might not be comfortable with technology.

The history of the product is unique, in that it wasn't meant to be a product. CyberLink helped create a product for virtual makeup called YouCam Makeup. For that product, they created a technology for recognizing and identifying faces. Because of the success of both the product and the technology, the company saw the value of the system and turned it into FaceMe.

FaceMe is designed to work on just about any platform so that it can enhance products varying from smart mirrors to robotics. The technology is already being used in products on the market, and CyberLink is looking to partner with more companies to help their customers customize their products.

If you are working on a project and would like to learn more about the FaceMe platform, check out the company's website.

Interview by Scott Ertz of F5 Live: Refreshing Technology and Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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Scott Ertz

Host, Episode Author

Scott is a developer who has worked on projects of varying sizes, including all of the PLUGHITZ Corporation properties. He is also known in the gaming world for his time supporting the rhythm game community, through DDRLover and hosting tournaments throughout the Tampa Bay Area. Currently, when he is not working on software projects or hosting F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, Scott can often be found returning to his high school days working with the Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), mentoring teams and helping with ROBOTICON Tampa Bay. He has also helped found a student software learning group, the ASCII Warriors, currently housed at AMRoC Fab Lab.


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