MoonBikes let you enjoy winter fun like never before @ CES 2022 - Show Notes

MoonBikes let you enjoy winter fun like never before @ CES 2022

Thursday Jan 20, 2022 (00:09:45)


If you live in an area with snow, you know how much fun a snowmobile can be. However, they can be really large, heavy, and cumbersome. This is where MoonBikes comes in. These devices are small, lightweight, and easy to maneuver. Nearly anyone can easily control one of these devices, making it easy for more people to enjoy the snow together.

What is a MoonBike?

MoonBikes give you the freedom of an e-bike with the power of a motorcycle. Whether you're rallying on trails, venturing into the backcountry, or simply cruising around town, MoonBikes make winter your playground. Like a bike, a MoonBike is just 70. cm wide and can pass through doorways and be transported on a hitch carrier or in the bed of a truck.

MoonBikes are a fascinating middle ground between a motorcycle and a snowmobile. It looks mostly like a motorcycle, except the wheels have been replaced. The front wheel is replaced by a short ski, while the back wheel is replaced by a large tread. Even with the altered design, it is still capable of doing most things a motorcycle can do.

Because of this design, the controls are also changed from that of a snowmobile to something similar to a motorcycle. To change directions on a snowmobile, you turn a movable handle and the front of the machine changes direction with the back coming along behind. In this case, you lean to the left or right in order to change direction.

MoonBike specs

A MoonBike weighs just 87 kg with a single battery, and 100 kg with a second battery. With a single battery, you will get about 1.5 hours of run time. You can also add an optional dual battery to double the range with up to roughly 3 hours of ride time. All of this is possible while managing to attain 42 km per hour (about 26 miles per hour). In addition, all of this makes it so that the center of gravity is low, making it easy to ride for everyone.

Even with all of this power, a MoonBike still comes in at just $8,500. That is comparable to a traditional snowmobile, or in many cases far less. And, when you consider that it can run for hours and is more maneuverable, it makes for a great option for most people.

They aren't just great for individuals, they are great for rental agencies, as well. Because of the ease of riding, the long battery life options, and the ability to charge outside of the device, rental shops, hotels and lodges, and even ski lift companies can easily and safely add them to their offerings.


Most importantly, MoonBikes are just plain fun! They're fast, agile, and easy to handle so you can really let loose and enjoy the ride. Whether you're an experienced cyclist or a beginner, MoonBikes make winter biking easy and enjoyable. So what are you waiting for? Get out there and have some fun on a MoonBike! To learn more or reserve one for yourself, check out the company's website.

Interview by Todd Cochrane of Geek News Central and Christopher Jordan of The Talking Sound.

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Scott Ertz

Episode Author

Scott is a developer who has worked on projects of varying sizes, including all of the PLUGHITZ Corporation properties. He is also known in the gaming world for his time supporting the rhythm game community, through DDRLover and hosting tournaments throughout the Tampa Bay Area. Currently, when he is not working on software projects or hosting F5 Live: Refreshing Technology, Scott can often be found returning to his high school days working with the Foundation for Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST), mentoring teams and helping with ROBOTICON Tampa Bay. He has also helped found a student software learning group, the ASCII Warriors, currently housed at AMRoC Fab Lab.


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Erin Hurst (00:07)

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Todd Cochrane (00:20)

So we have Nicolas Muron from MoonBikes, and you're a French startup. So tell us about MoonBikes.

Nicolas Muron (00:28)

Nice to meet you. So MoonBikes is the first electric- Can you hear me?

Todd Cochrane (00:33)


Christopher Jordan (00:33)

Hmm hm.

Nicolas Muron (00:34)

So MoonBikes is the world's first electric snowbike.

Todd Cochrane (00:38)

Electric snowbikes.

Nicolas Muron (00:39)


Christopher Jordan (00:40)


Nicolas Muron (00:41)

And so it has the power of a small motorcycle and the freedom of any bike to explore nature in snowy environments.

Todd Cochrane (00:49)

So you know, here in the States, everyone, I guess they call them, I call them snowmobiles, snow machines. So is it run under the same posit? We don't have a picture for it of course. But is it running into the same premise of having a track system?

Nicolas Muron (01:09)

Yeah. So it's much simpler than a snowmobile, it's three times lighter than a snowmobile. That's a foam blade, and a track at the back of the machine. And so and you have to lean it like a motorcycle. And it's totally silent. So it's amazing.

Todd Cochrane (01:28)

So it's electric. So what is the typical range then of a MoonBike?

Nicolas Muron (01:35)

We talk about autonomy in terms of hours of with one battery is between one hour and one hour and a half, but you can double stack and put another battery. And in this case, you can reach three hours.

Todd Cochrane (01:45)

And what's the top speed on it? Then?

Nicolas Muron (01:48)

It's 26 miles.

Todd Cochrane (01:49)

26 miles per hour.

Christopher Jordan (01:50)

What is the load capacity on it by chance?

Nicolas Muron (01:53)

And so the load capacity, you can be one or two people. And, and in terms of the load capacities, in kilograms, it's 120.

Christopher Jordan (02:06)

Okay. Okay.

Todd Cochrane (02:08)

So very, very cool.

Christopher Jordan (02:09)

Close to 250 pounds.

Nicolas Muron (02:10)


Christopher Jordan (02:11)

Almost. I see.

Todd Cochrane (02:12)

So I'm sure a lot of our listeners at home are gonna want to check out your guys' website. Where's your guys' website at?

Nicolas Muron (02:18)

Todd Cochrane (02:20)

So it's

Nicolas Muron (02:21)


Christopher Jordan (02:21)

And what was the origin of the name?

Nicolas Muron (02:25)

MoonBikes? Because I'm a former aerospace engineer.

Christopher Jordan (02:28)


Nicolas Muron (02:29)

I love space and the moon. It's white like the snow. It's silent. Everybody loves the moon. So for all of these reasons, I choose this name.

Christopher Jordan (02:41)


Todd Cochrane (02:43)

You know, I think oftentimes, so even here, you see people with snow machines that either will get stuck or what is the, you know, it may be getting deep snow or going fast enough. How does it do in deep snow? And what's the weight and kind of curious on all that?

Nicolas Muron (03:00)

Yeah, the weight is around 190 pounds. And it's very fun in the powder. You cannot go uphill, if it's too steep and too deep, like a snowmobile. So the nice thing to do is you go uphill, thanks to the tides when it's packed,

Todd Cochrane (03:02)

When it's packed-

Nicolas Muron (03:24)

You can jump into the powder.

Todd Cochrane (03:26)


Nicolas Muron (03:27)

There's no limit and it feels like-

Christopher Jordan (03:28)


Nicolas Muron (03:29)

-Snowboarding or skiing with a moto. So it's crazy when you go in the powder when it's flat or downhill.

Christopher Jordan (03:36)


Todd Cochrane (03:37)

So go ahead and scare us. What's the what's gonna be the retail price on this?

Nicolas Muron (03:42)

It's $8,500. So if compared to an automobile, it's less cheaper.

Christopher Jordan (03:48)


Todd Cochrane (03:48)

So I think what you're gonna find then is for people that are into I would consider. You know, if you want to run this around on an ice-covered lake, that would be okay, but I think it'd be more fun to go through. Maybe areas that you're gonna ski

Christopher Jordan (04:05)


Todd Cochrane (04:05)

Versus how does this then compare to like, because you think about this is a bike. How does this compare to snowboarding or something?

Nicolas Muron (04:18)

I'm a snowboarder, and you have the same sensation when you go in downhill in powder. Because you have to and you have to lean.

Christopher Jordan (04:27)


Nicolas Muron (04:28)

You have to use your hips like skiing.

Christopher Jordan (04:30)


Nicolas Muron (04:30)

It's a mix. And when we arrived for the first time in the US and make people try in the US, they were amazed saying that it was a new snowboarder. It's a totally new sensation. It's a mix of some things we don't really know. So-

Christopher Jordan (04:44)


Nicolas Muron (04:45)

Yeah, And about your question about ice, it works. For example, we have some inbound some icey shells, and from handles. But yeah, it's much better when it's in powder.

Todd Cochrane (04:57)


Nicolas Muron (04:58)

What's also amazing is to go into the forest because it's very narrow, so you can

Todd Cochrane (05:01)


Nicolas Muron (05:02)

You can go between the trees. And yeah.

Todd Cochrane (05:04)

You know, you never know you think about when snowboards were introduced. It wasn't a sport.

Christopher Jordan (05:10)


Todd Cochrane (05:11)

Right? You guys may be on the cusp of a new sport. Have some sort of new competition sport. Is there anybody else making something similar to what you've you creating?

Nicolas Muron (05:22)

No, not yet.

Todd Cochrane (05:23)

Not yet.

Nicolas Muron (05:24)

I founded the company five years ago. And every year I'm like, "Okay, someone is going to do the same". But we are still the only ones.

Christopher Jordan (05:24)


Todd Cochrane (05:31)

Still the only ones.

Christopher Jordan (05:32)

Interesting. I could see that as actually, somewhere, like, where you live, especially if you live out in the country or something. It is a very easy commuter device to be able to get from point A to point B,

Todd Cochrane (05:43)

Where I live? No.

Christopher Jordan (05:44)

Never, you-

Todd Cochrane (05:45)

Yeah, but if I was in, it would be a much bigger alternative in the winter too.

Christopher Jordan (05:50)


Todd Cochrane (05:51)

You know, a scooter or you know,

Christopher Jordan (05:53)


Todd Cochrane (05:54)

Our bike you know-

Christopher Jordan (05:55)


Todd Cochrane (05:55)

That makes sense. Within with it being under 26 miles per hour then I wonder how it's classified here.

Christopher Jordan (06:05)

I'm sure it would be classified the same as any bird scooter.

Todd Cochrane (06:09)

Yeah, maybe? Yeah.

Christopher Jordan (06:10)

Same as any e-scooter, probably.

Todd Cochrane (06:12)

I would think so too because it doesn't go super fast.

Christopher Jordan (06:15)

That's correct.

Todd Cochrane (06:16)

Yeah, that'd be interesting to see what happens when someone's riding one around town.

Christopher Jordan (06:21)

Oh, I guarantee you. You will see some minor taking one to work with it.

Nicolas Muron (06:24)

Yeah, I did that in West Yellowstone to go down in the city and go to the restaurant-

Todd Cochrane (06:29)


Christopher Jordan (06:29)


Nicolas Muron (06:29)

-With the MoonBikes. It was so amazing.

Todd Cochrane (06:32)

For me, it actually makes sense because I live in rural America and we have woodlots so it'd be and I don't have a snowmobile. So this would be something that would be handy. Because what do we get the quad out-

Christopher Jordan (06:44)


Todd Cochrane (06:44)

-Or we get the, you know, the Ranger or whatever it may be. But still, when it snows, that thing gets stuck just as easy thing else.

Nicolas Muron (06:51)


Todd Cochrane (06:51)

So something like this is a good quick alternative to jumping on a snowmobile.

Christopher Jordan (06:55)

Well, even you know, if you guys considered something along the lines of like a tow-behind cart or anything like that for, you know, pulling small items-

Nicolas Muron (07:05)

Small items on MoonBikes.

Christopher Jordan (07:06)

Yeah, yeah. Something like going to the grocery store, being able to pull groceries behind you, or something like that.

Nicolas Muron (07:12)

It's pretty sporty. So we can even use it. You can put it at the back of your car so far as the size is good now.

Todd Cochrane (07:19)

Okay. Yeah. So I know what you're saying.

Christopher Jordan (07:22)

Yeah. Yeah.

Todd Cochrane (07:23)

From a utility standpoint.

Christopher Jordan (07:24)

Well, even you're like, "Hey, I need to go out and get some wood from the shed".

Todd Cochrane (07:28)


Christopher Jordan (07:28)

Pop it in the back and just truck it back to the snow.

Todd Cochrane (07:32)

Yeah, cuz I see a lot of people that have snowmobiles are pulling like mini sleds behind.

Christopher Jordan (07:38)

Exactly, exactly.

Todd Cochrane (07:39)

You know, So this could be if there would be a small hookup system to it, you could pull small little mini trailer too.

Christopher Jordan (07:45)

Yeah. Yeah.

Nicolas Muron (07:46)

And you can put them on bikes on the bike rack or so.

Christopher Jordan (07:49)

Oh, wow.

Todd Cochrane (07:50)

Bike rack. Yeah.

Christopher Jordan (07:51)

That was great.

Todd Cochrane (07:52)

And the weight is a little 100 pounds or so heavier than a regular bike. So you want to make sure your bike rack can support that.

Nicolas Muron (07:59)

Yeah, yeah, we use motorcycle racks so you need the hitch. And yes, you can use a regular snow motorcycle rack.

Christopher Jordan (08:07)

Cool. Is it a product available out of the market now.

Nicolas Muron (08:10)


Christopher Jordan (08:10)

Or are you still in the prototype?

Nicolas Muron (08:11)

Yes, we launched last year in Europe with 50 units and to test the market in ski resorts. We have been 500 rental bikes in ski resorts. And now this winter we're building 400 units. And we are shipping 100 to the US and northern Canada. So the first container will arrive in two weeks and the one in February.

Todd Cochrane (08:33)

So you snow enthusiast out there. Snow bikes.

Christopher Jordan (08:37)


Todd Cochrane (08:38)

Now what you guys need to do is adapt it so that in the spring when it is muddy, I can run through the mud.

Christopher Jordan (08:47)

Thank you so much.

Todd Cochrane (08:48)

All right,

Christopher Jordan (08:48)

One last time right there for the camera. Let everybody know where they can go to find out more about MoonBikes and where they can go to get their own.

Nicolas Muron (08:55)

So you have to go to our website,

Todd Cochrane (08:58)

Christopher Jordan (08:59)


Todd Cochrane (09:00)

Alright, Nicolas, thank you so much. Thanks for coming over for sharing your time.

Christopher Jordan (09:03)

Thank you so much man, I appreciate it.

Todd Cochrane (09:04)

Yeah, Outstanding.

Erin Hurst (09:08)

TPN CES 2022 coverage is executive produced by Michele Mendez. Technical Directors are Kurt Corless and Adam Barker. Associate producers are Nancy Ertz and Maurice McCoy. Interviews are edited by Jo Mini. Hosts are Marlo Anderson, Todd Cochrane, Scott Ertz, Christopher Jordan, Daniele Mendez, and Allante Sparks. Las Vegas studio provided by HC Productions. Remote studio provided by PLUGHITZ Productions. This has been Tech Podcasts Network Production, copyright 2022.

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