Maygin Theresa - Staff

Maygin Theresa

Maygin Theresa



Maygin Theresa is a twenty-something born and raised in Miami, Florida and currently residing in Lakeland, Florida. Having learned how to sew, knit, crochet, and craft at a very young age, Maygin has developed a love for creating. She tries to learn as much as she can about any new craft she stumbles across that seems interesting. With a slight disdain for common fashion, even from a young age she has made her own clothes from her own designs and even designed her high school prom dress. While Maygin likes to supply examples of her work to show and sell, she prefers to make items custom, especially when it comes to costumes, corsets, and hair. She believes that people should get what they want, exactly as they want, and not have to settle for what's available. As such, she tries to have as many supplies available as she can at shows in case anyone is willing to wait a few hours for their very own custom creation.

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