Scanbuy Helps People Get the Information They Need [Live] - Show Notes

Scanbuy Helps People Get the Information They Need [Live]

Monday Feb 3, 2014 (00:09:45)


Scanbuy is a mobile engagement company who, through QR codes, Microsoft Tags, NFC and object recognition, helps people find information about the products they want. Once the information is presented, the company can use the information gathered to help manufacturers better target their products.

For example, if a particular product is consistently scanned by phones with a Spanish language option, but the product is only available in English, the manufacturer can then create a Spanish-language product or packaging option.

The company currently receives an average of 40 data points per scan, meaning there is a lot of information that the product makers can access to make their products better for consumers.

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Live segment by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine and Chris Montera, The Geeky Medic.

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