My ithlete Helps Determine How to Exercise [Live] - Show Notes

My ithlete Helps Determine How to Exercise [Live]

Monday Jan 27, 2014 (00:06:10)


Finding out how long to exercise is a challenge, even for the professionals. The team at ithlete have created a product to help you determine when you should exercise and for how long to maximize results.

For example, if you haven't slept well, an exercise session might not be as effective. Adding in the My ithlete finger sensor can even tell you what types of exercises are good at the moment. A green light suggests intense workout, red indicates more recovery time is needed.

The sensor, co-developed by the University of Sydney, and app are available now for $85.

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Live segment by Jeffrey Powers of Geekazine and Chris Montera, The Geeky Medic.

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